Velocitii is a system that supposedly can help you bank $231 per day online without any prior experience.
But is Velocitii a scam, or can you really start earning this kind of money within just 24 hours with this system?
Let me reveal right away that there are several claims you have to be very skeptical about and consider carefully before joining.
In this Velocitii review I will show you what you will get with the system and show you a few warning signs you need to be aware of, so you know what you are getting into, if you decide to join.
Velocitii at a Glance
Velocitii teaches a real way to make money online, and you will get access to some premade sales pages. There are however a lot of things you are not told, it will not be as easy and fast, as you are told, and it can be very risky to rely on a system like this.
In addition to this, it can end up being a lot more expensive to join than you are initially told, and therefore it in my opinion gives very poor value for money, and it is NOT a system I recommend.
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What is Velocitii and what does it offer?
Velocitii is a software and system that will supposedly help you make easy money online.
They explain it as being very simple, and you do not need any experience to start making money with this system. It is basically just 3 steps you have to take.

The steps make it look like it is very fast to make money with Velocitii.
From this it can still be hard to figure out exactly how it works.
But what you will get, is access to premade sales pages of several products. You will get some training where you learn how to set the system up, but the sales pages are already created.
Once you have a sales page, you need to add your affiliate links. This means that you will make money through what is called affiliate marketing.
By adding your affiliate link, it will be tracked when people click your link, and you will earn commissions, if people end up buying through your links.
To make this work you need traffic to your sales pages, and Velocitii will give you access to several traffic methods as well.
Let me reveal that affiliate marketing is definitely a real way to make money online, and the process and steps Velocitii follows can in theory be a real way to make money online, and you will get access to some training that will teach you how this works. So in that sense it is a legit program.
This does however NOT mean it will necessarily be the best way to learn affiliate marketing, and it does NOT mean you will be able to make as fast money, as the sales page claims.
There are several warning signs you definitely need to be aware of and consider before investing any money. The first thing you need to know and consider is who the guys behind this system are.
Who are behind the system?
The guys behind Velocitii are two guys that are well-known in the internet marketing world. Their names are Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari.

The owners are behind many other similar programs as well.
They have created many systems that are supposed to make you fast money online, and have made money online themselves for years.
So in that since it could be great learning from them, BUT before deciding to do this, there are a few things I believe is important to consider.
I have looked into several of their systems, and they mostly promise you fast and easy money online. Programs that promise this are always something to be careful about, as there is no shortcut to become rich online, but more about this later.
What in my opinion is a big warning sign about these two guys are the amounts of programs they come out with. Only around 1 month before coming out with Velocitii, they came out with another systems called Insta-Minator.
At that time they claimed this was the golden ticket to earn a lot of easy money online, and now they are suddenly creating a new system that is supposedly the best way the make a lot of easy money online.
And they have many more systems than just these two. How I see it is that if they really had a system that could turn complete newbies into successful online earners overnight, why would they then constantly need to come out with a new program?
Would it not be better to continue with one system and perfect that and create a famous brand instead of constantly creating a new system?
Also, if their system really was this great, why would they then continue to put in so much effort in creating new systems and convincing sales pages to get you to buy? Could they not just use the systems themselves to make money instead of having to convince you to buy their system to make money?
These are just some important things to think about, when you see owners of fast-money-online programs constantly coming out with new systems.
Recommended: Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online
Spot the BS before joining!
You will definitely get access to some training and a system with Velocitii. But in my opinion there are good reasons to doubt, you will get what the sales page indicate.
At least there is a lot of big claims and sales tricks you need to be aware of, so you go into it with realistic expectations, if you decide to join.
I have created a video where I show you some red flags you NEED to consider before joining. Below the video you can also read all the details:
The warning signs you in my opinion have to be aware of are:
Warning sign #1 – Claims you will earn in 24 hours
One of the big selling points of Velocitii is that you can start earning within 24 hours, even if you have never made any money online before.

Be careful about any program that claims you can start making good money right away.
You are told it is a simple copy and paste system, and you are told in the sales video that there is no easier way to earn online.
In theory, you can start earning money online in 24 hours. This is however NOT the average. For most successful online marketers it takes quite a bit longer to start making any real money, as it does when building any kind of business.
I know Velocitii claims this is what makes their system unique, but there are so many systems out there promising their system is the one system that can make you fast money online – even Mosh and Jason who is behind Velocitii have claimed this with several of their other systems.
You definitely can learn to make money online no matter your previous experience, but the reality for most of us is that it will take a lot longer than 24 hours before we start making any real money.
In fact Velocitii also reveals in the disclaimer that it might not be as easy, as they claim on the sales page. If you scroll to the bottom of the sales page, you can get access to a disclaimer.

The disclaimer reveals it might not be as easy, as it seems at first.
The snippet of the disclaimer I have showed above says that you are not guaranteed to make any money with the system, as it depends a lot on your background, business skills, and work ethic.
If it truly was as system that is as easy as 1, 2, 3, and where you can just copy paste and do the work in 10 minutes per day, why are the results then dependent on your work ethic?
So you have to be aware that even though the sales page might make it sound like you can very easily start making money, this is NOT guaranteed.
Warning sign #2 – Make a living by just working 10 minutes per day
This warning sign is closely related to the one above.
In addition to being told you can start earning within 24 hours, you are also told that you can start earning $231 per day by just working 10 minutes per day.

Do not expect to be able to make a living online by just working 10 minutes per day.
As I already showed above, the Velocitii disclaimer reveals there is no guarantee this will happen.
Also, in my experience you should definitely not expect to be able to make a living by just working 10 minutes per day online.
You can get a lot of freedom by creating an online income and work when and where you want to. But that you can just do a few clicks and then sit back and never work again is one of the big myths about internet marketing.
It takes time and effort to create a successful and sustainable income online, as it does to create any kind of business.
If you go into it with the approach of looking for a quick fix and never having to work again, you are very likely to fail with internet marketing.
Most programs that claim this is possible are mostly claiming this to make fast money for themselves and to lure you into their sales funnels and sell more to you.
So be careful about any program that claims you can become rich online without any effort.
Warning sign #3 – Not transparent about pricing
You are told the price for joining and getting access to Velocitii is only $12.95.

At first it looks like Velocitii is very cheap – this is not the full truth!
You are even told that the normal price for this would be $2.962 – this is of course just a number set to make it look like you are getting a really good deal and making it more likely you will join right away.
$12.95 is definitely not a lot, and this initial fee also comes with a money-back guarantee. But you have to be aware that this will NOT be the full price, if you want full access.
After you join, there will be several upgrades/upsells.
The way systems like this often work is that you get a very cheap initial joining fee, and you think this is it. After you join, you have invested time and money, and you are then more likely to be willing to invest more to get the missing pieces to really make it work.
And then there will then be several upsells. To see how much it can end up costing to get full access to Velocitii, I took a look at the promotional info of the program, where they explain all the upgrades.

Velocitii has many upsells after you join.
From this you can see that the initial joining fee is just the beginning. In total, it can end up costing you more than $600.
So before joining Velocitii, you have to be aware that you can end up spending this kind of money and be prepared for this.
Warning sign #4 – You do not decide what you promote
Velocitii gives you access to 10 premade sales pages with products they have selected.
This of course makes it easy, as you do not have to decide yourself. BUT this also means you have no idea what you will end up promoting.
You will for example likely get to promote several get-rich-quick online programs. You will have no idea, if they actually work, and will just have to promote them and get other people to join to earn commissions.
This is a big problem in the internet marketing world. There are too many sites just promoting whatever earns them high commissions, and not what they actually know is worth promoting.
So before getting automated sales pages like this, you have to consider, if this is really how you want to earn money?
Would it not be nicer, if you could earn money by selecting your own products and only promote products you know will truly help people through honest affiliate marketing?
Warning sign #5 – You are dependent on the system
One last big warning sign is that it in my opinion is very risky to rely on an automated system like this. Even if it ends up working for you, you can constantly risk losing your income.
It is not your system and the sales pages are not something you have control over. If Mosh and Jason one day decides to close the system and move on to the next system, you will have nothing.
It is risky to be dependent on a system like this and on somebody else’s decisions. It can close down at any time, and you will no longer have any income, and you will not have learned any real skills to build a new income yourself, as it was all automated.
So be aware of this risk, before you try to make it work.
Warning sign #6 – Easy traffic claim
To become successful with a sales page, you need traffic. Without traffic, you will not make any sales.
You are told that Velocitii will teach you how to get easy traffic.

Be careful when a system claims it has “secret” and easy traffic methods.
First of all you have to be aware that some of the traffic methods Velocitii offers are paid methods, so this will be an extra cost. And to get sales, you do not only need traffic – you need quality traffic.
Quality traffic does not just come automatically. Either you need a good budget and some skills to make good ads, or you need to work with SEO to get organic traffic from the search engines.
The claim that you can just turn on traffic, and then the sales will start rolling in, is not realistic. There are a lot of places where you can buy cheap traffic, but in most cases this will not give very many sales.
Velocitii claims (like so many other programs) that they have secret traffic methods that will make you a lot of sales immediately.
I always become very suspicious, when I hear about secret traffic methods.
I have worked for several online marketing agencies that work with huge brands and are experts at getting traffic. There is no secret method to get fast quality traffic.
It takes time, skills, or effort to get this, so do not expect that you can just turn free or cheap traffic on and then make a lot of sales. And be careful about any program that claims they have invented secret traffic methods.
What about the positive Velocitii reviews?
Online you will see several positive Velocitii reviews.
I am not saying that they are of no value, but you should be careful about believing everything they say.
The way Velocitii is promoted is by giving people commissions to promote it. And with all the upsells the program has, it can be very lucrative to convince you to join.
If a review is mostly just trying to sell and not showing you the details and do not explain details about how affiliate marketing really works, there are good reasons to be careful.
Especially if the review tries to convince you that it is super easy to make fast money online, and that it truly is a system that will be guaranteed to make you fast money, you should be careful trusting it.
As I have already showed, even Velocitii itself reveals that there are no guarantees, and that it depends on your effort and skills, so if a review claims something else, it is very likely out to just promote to earn a commission.
Final verdict
Velocitii has both positive and negative sides in my opinion. But let’s sum up the pros and cons, so you can get a better overview, before deciding if it is for you or not.
- Real way to make money
- Access to training and sales pages
- Risky to depend on a system like this
- You learn no real skills
- Claims it is easy and fast to make money online
- Not transparent about the price
- Owners constantly launch new systems
In my opinion the cons of Velocitii by far outweigh the pros. There are so many things you are not told, and even the disclaimer of the system reveals you are not guaranteed it will work as fast as the sales page says.
In addition to this, you will in my opinion get very poor value for money, because it has many upsells after you join.
If you instead invest just a bit of this amount into getting real training and not just trusting a supposed automatic system to do the work for you, you can learn a lot of good skills and take them in any direction you want to, and you will be the one in control.
Because of these reasons, Velocitii is NOT a system I recommend.
I do however think affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, but I do NOT think Velocitii is a good place to learn this. If you want to see the exact steps I use to make money on affiliate marketing, you can instead check out my free guide about how to make realistic money online.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Velocitii yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.
I’ve been seeing a lot of these types of programs myself lately, and it’s funny because they are ALL. THE. SAME. Can they at least come up with different scripts? They all say that you can make money right away with their “secret” system and that their system is “different” from all the rest. The kicker is when they say you can make allll this money in just 10 minutes a day.
I love how you point out how these guys have made several money-making products. And you’re right, if they’re so “good” and “different”, why do you need more than 1? I really don’t know how these guys sleep at night knowing that they’re taking money from vulnerable people, knowing that most of them will never make a penny with their system.
I really appreciate this Velocitii review, and I will be sure to stay far away!
Thanks For sharing your thoughts Christina.
Yes, it definitely seems like the script is more or less the same for most of the programs that claim to make you fast money online – it must be an effective sales method:-)
Glad to hear you liked the review.
I’m so glad that you have written a detailed article about velocitii which doesn’t sound like it’s a nice deal. According to your review, it has only two pros but 5 cons. That to me raises red flags as well as those warnings you have written there.
Any program that promises getting rich within 24 hours is definitely not being honest unless they are breaking into a bank and disappear with cash. It’s good to be open and tell clients the truth instead of using gimmick ways to make them sign up.
Thank your for the option of a free guide to genuine way to earn money.
Thanks for the feedback.
It is for sure a big warning sign when any program promise you can start earning really good money online within 24 hours without any experience – that is just not have internet marketing works.
Hope you will enjoy the free guide. Let me know, if you have any questions.
Thanks for mentioning all those pros and cons about Velocitii.
Did you mention about a website that you have to build to be successful in affiliate marketing? I read that you just have to download a program? How can you have traffic with that?
I am now with Wealthy Affiliate for a few months , slowly building my website but I don’t have that much traffic yet to earn.
And did you say that they claim sales within 24 hours?
How is that possible?
Hi Marita,
Velocitii offers premade sales pages so in that sense it is just to start using them. But my point in this article is exactly that you can not just get automatic traffic to that. That is not how it works and to get access to any traffic you would have to pay for an upgrade of Velocitii.
I therefore think their claims about making sales and money within 24 hours are highly exaggerated, and it is not just as easy and simply as the sales page makes it sound.
The main idea is to get you to join and then sell you further upgrades. This is juts one of the many cons of Velocitii in my opinion.
Good to hear you are with Wealthy Affiliate. It is a great place to learn to create a realistic income online. If you just keep following the training there, you will be fine. It is in my experience by far the best training platform online, and it is where you get the most value for money as well.
I don’t believe in this at all. There is no way anyone can be called anything but a scam that says you can make money in 24 hours.
If that were true, everyone in the world would jump all over it in 10 seconds flat if not sooner.
I cannot read about things like this without wondering who will fall for such crap. The only way too make money online is to work hard and for a long long time just like in the real world.
now I can take a breath. 🙂
Unfortunately some of these sales pages are very convincing and for people that have no experience in how it works online, it is easy to fall for.
But you are definitely right – it is not just to click a few buttons to make money online. It takes work and effort. If it really was to just click a few buttons I guess these guys would also just do that instead of spending a lot of time making fancy sales funnels:-)