Making money from home can give a lot of freedom – but there are so many platforms that claim to help you with this that it can be very difficult to spot the real opportunities from the scams.
So is ClickEarners a scam or really one of the legit ways to get a flexible income from home?
Well, let me just reveal right away that it does have some potential BUT there are also a lot of things you are not told before joining so you might end up getting disappointed.
In this ClickEarners review, I will give you all the untold details so you will know exactly what to expect and what to be careful about before joining.
This way you will know what you are getting into if you decide to join.
ClickEarners at a Glance
ClickEarners supposedly gives you access to a lot of different online jobs to give you the freedom to work from home.
But after investigating it further the only good thing I can say about it is that they have a money-back guarantee.
That does, however, not change that you should never have to pay for what they are offering as you can find it for free many other places.
In addition to this, it does not even make sense to join as they clearly mention in their disclaimer that they do not even seek to help you find paid work online.
So it seems ClickEarners is mainly a good idea for the owners and for the people that promote it to earn commissions. But as someone who would like to start making money online, it will definitely NOT be a good choice, in my opinion.
What is ClickEarners and what does it offer?
If you are new to making money online, it might not be completely clear what offers when you first come to the website.
There is not much information about what you can expect – you can just see that you can supposedly discover how to become an online assistant and get paid to do freelance work, tasks, and projects from home.
All this sounds good, right? But what does it actually mean?
Well, supposedly it means you can earn by doing various small online tasks after you join Click Earners. They have a big list of potential work you can get access to.

The supposed ways you can earn on ClickEarners.
I have many years of experience in working online, and when I first saw the list above I right away became a bit confused and suspicious.
Because it is a list of very different tasks/jobs and it is very unusual to, for example, find both paid surveys, sales & marketing jobs, and customer service jobs on the same platform.
So something seemed a bit off here for me but I still decided to look further – and I ended up finding a lot of things they do not tell you before you join.
It is very important you know all these details before joining so you know what you are getting into. I will go over all these a bit later in this review.
But let’s first go over if it is even possible to make money online with the types of jobs showcase on their website.
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Can you really earn like this?
As you can see above, you will supposedly get access to a lot of different tasks if you join ClickEarners.
And all the tasks you can see in the image in the previous section are ways to actually make money online.
There definitely are both legit ways to earn with surveys, typing & writing, customer service, data entry, social media management, etc.
However, there are big differences in what you can earn on the different types of tasks.
Most of the tasks will just be a way to make a bit of extra cash on the side which can, of course, also be great. It depends on your preferences.
And the types of tasks that could potentially make you a full-time income are not just jobs where you can just sign up for a platform and then automatically get access to them without having to prove your skills, go through application processes, etc.
So it is important you know your skills and your preferences before getting involved in any online money-making opportunity.
But most importantly, even though these methods are real ways to make money online, ClickEarners is NOT necessarily a good place to get access to them.
When I dug deeper I found several things that worry me about this platform based on my many years of online experience.
So let’s go over this next so you know what to be aware of before joining. red flags revealed
As mentioned, the jobs showcased on ClickEarners are potentially real ways to earn online.
But before deciding if it is the right way for you to get access to these jobs are not, let me first show you some red flags I found when investigating ClickEarners further.
Red flag #1 – You are not told you have to pay
When you first come to ClickEarners you can just see you can register to get started.
All you have to do is to give your name and email.

At first, it looks like you just have to give your name and email to join.
Next, you have to fill out your so-called profile which means you have to answer a few questions about yourself.
This makes you feel it is a serious platform as you have to tell more about your interests in working online – but as I will show you later this is all a sales trick.

The second step is to answer some questions.
Next, you get to a screen that will look like they are processing your application and deciding whether you will be accepted or not.

They make it look like you have to go through an approval process.
But you do really not have to worry about getting accepted or not.
This is another sales trick to make you feel special and get you to invest some time and effort before you get to the approval screen (and you will be approved no matter what).
And when you get to the screen that shows you are approved, you can see that now you suddenly have to pay.

After the joining process, you can see you suddenly have to pay.
There has been no mention of a fee before you get to this point and now suddenly you have to pay to get access.
In general, I do not mind paying for legit and good opportunities online to get proper training, tools, etc.
But when it comes to ClickEarners there are, however, several problems with the pricing, in my opinion.
First of all, the fact that you are not told there is a fee until after you have given your email address is a big red flag, in my opinion.
It is not transparent and now they have your email address and will start sending you additional promotional messages to get you to sign up for their program whether you decide to join or not.
So it is a way for them to make sure they have your email before revealing there is a price. This is a sneaky trick, in my opinion.
Secondly, there should NOT even be a fee to get access to a platform like this.
The types of jobs you can find there is NOT something you usually have to pay to get access to. There are hundreds of freelance platforms you can join for free (like Fiverr and Upwork) to get access to, for example, customer service jobs, social media management jobs, etc.
And there are thousands of platforms that offer you to earn by taking surveys, doing mystery shopping, data entry, and other small tasks like this – NONE of them will ever charge you a fee to join.
ClickEarners is basically just giving you access to information about different platforms you can get free access to many other places online and then they charge you for it.
Of course, clever for them but for you it will be a complete waste of money, in my opinion.
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Red flag #2 – They do not guarantee you will earn
Before you join you might get the impression that you will be sure to make some money when you join.
But even if you ignore that you have to pay for something you should not have to pay for because you think it will be worth getting access to, you need to know what they really will give you access to.
And if you scroll to the bottom of the ClickEarners website you can see in their disclaimer that there is no guarantee you will get access to any jobs.

The ClickEarners disclaimer reveals some important details.
If you cannot see the image above, an important part of it is saying:
“We are not offering anyone who registers with us a job, employment or paid work, nor do we seek to find anyone a job, employment or paid work“.
They also mention that ClickEarners is an informational product that provides information and resources relating to working and earning online as a freelance / self-employed assistant.
This is quite confusing, right?
Because when you first come to the website it looks like you will for sure get access to a lot of jobs.
They even have statements about needing more members in your specific country (this is dynamic and will change depending on the country you live in to make it more convincing).
But when you look in their disclaimer, it becomes clear that they will just give you some information about platforms you can actually usually join for free and the goal of ClickEarners is not even to help you find a job or paid work online as you can see in the disclaimer above.
This should definitely make you question why it would be worth joining and is a big red flag, in my opinion.
Red flag #3 – Uses pushy sales techniques
I have already mentioned some of the pushy sales techniques ClickEarners is using to get you to join.
One way is to get you to join and fill out a short survey to get you involved before you are told you have to pay. They also make it look like you need to be approved so you will feel special when you get approved (and everyone will).
In addition to this, you are also told you can get a special 50% discount if you join now.

You get a “special” discount.
And you are even told it is because you are based in a certain country. This is fake scarcity and just based on your IP address and will change depending on where you live to make it more personal.
The reality is, however, that this is NOT a special discount just for you and your country.
No matter where you are from and when you try to join, you will get this “special” offer.
It is not unusual to get special offers online to get you to take action. But, in my opinion, there is an ethical and an unethical way of doing this.
ClickEarners uses a lot of fake scarcity – this means their offers are not really special and they will keep having these offers.
In my experience, using this many scarcity techniques is usually only used by products that want to make sure people do not think about it and do not want people to do research about their services before joining.
Using marketing techniques is, of course, fine. But ClickEarners does it in a way so you do not know what you are really getting into if you do not have a lot of experience online.
And therefore, these types of techniques is a red flag to be aware of, in my opinion.
Final verdict
Overall, ClickEarners does not have a lot of positive things about it, in my opinion, as you can see in this review.
But let’s still finish with a summary of its pros and cons so you can get a better overview before making your final decision.
- The methods they mention are real ways to earn online
- There is a money-back guarantee
- Do not tell you there is a price until after you have given your email
- They charge for something you can find for free many other places
- Uses of a lot of fake scarcity to push you to sign up
- They do not guarantee you will find work and it is not even their goal to help you with this (according to their own disclaimer).
Honestly, the only good thing I can say about ClickEarners after having investigated it more is that they have a money-back guarantee since it is sold through the platform ClickBank.
That does, however, not change that you should never have to pay for what they are offering as you can find it for free many other places.
In addition to this, it does not even make sense to join as they clearly mention in their disclaimer that they do not even seek to help you find paid work online.
So it seems ClickEarners is mainly a good idea for the owners and for the people that promote it to earn commissions. But as someone who would like to start making money online, it will definitely NOT be a good choice, in my opinion.
How I make money online
Making money online can give a lot of freedom and it definitely is possible to learn and there are plenty of legit and good opportunities out there no matter your background.
I spend a lot of time and tried different online opportunities myself and eventually found the one that worked for me.
Now, I have been able to create a full-time online income that allows me to work completely on my own terms.
It takes some effort but it is totally worth it.
If you want to follow my footsteps and create your own online income, then check out my FREE guide where I explain how this is possible step-by-step.
You can even get started with these steps as a complete beginner.
If you have any questions, comments, or have any experience with ClickEarners yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.