secret affiliate review headerThe Secret Affiliate website system claims you can easily start making more than $900 per day – starting this month.

But is Secret Affiliate a scam, or is it really a legit and fast way to make money online?

Let me reveal right away that there are some truths in the sales video, BUT there is also a lot of BS and exaggerated claims.

This Secret Affiliate review will show you all the details, so you can easily see what the system really is about, so you will know before investing any money.

What is Secret Affiliate and what does it offer?

Secret Affiliate is a system that will automatically help you easily make websites and earn money through affiliate marketing.

The system supposedly is so effective that you can easily start making hundreds of dollars from day one.

I first heard about it in an email from Jamie from IM with Jamie. This made me suspicious right away, as I have never received an offer from him worth joining. I however decided to still look into Secret Affiliate.

All you supposedly have to do to get started is to follow three simple steps.

secret affiliate steps

The supposed simple steps to make money with Secret Affiliate.

First you need to set up your websites using the Secret Affiliate system. Then you plug into the secret traffic source, and then you can start collecting your commissions.

Sounds easy right?

Well, in theory it might sound easy, but before getting to a lot of the warning signs I have spotted in the sales video and in these claims, let’s first look into if this it is even a valid and legit way to make money.

Is this a legit and valid way to make money online?

One great thing about Secret Affiliate (and in my opinion the only great thing) is that the steps it explains are in theory a real way to make money online.

Affiliate marketing, as the system will supposedly help you with, is a real and legit way to make money online. I am myself making money through affiliate marketing, and I know it is real and a great way to earn online.

It is true that by for example creating a website, you can promote more or less any product you want to, as there are a lot of companies within any niche that offers you commission to promote their products.

All the big brands offers this as well as many smaller and medium-sized companies and brands.

So the opportunities are potentially limitless, and you can find products to promote and earn commissions from no matter what you are interested in.

That part of the claims on the Secret Affiliate website are definitely true, and it is a great way to make money online and something you can learn no matter your previous background.

BUT even though this is a real and great way to make money online, Secret Affiliate will my opinion NOT be a good place to learn this. Below I will show you why this is.

Recommended: Click to Read About the Best Way to Learn Proper Affiliate Marketing

Secret Affiliate website warning signs

If you want to learn affiliate marketing and learn to make money online like this, I have very good reasons to believe Secret Affiliate will not be a good place to learn this.

The system and sales video simply have too many warning signs and there are too many things you are not told. Let me show you what I mean, so you can take this into consideration before investing any money.

Warning sign #1 – No info about the owner

There is no information whatsoever about who is behind the Secret Affiliate website. You only hear a voice but are not told anything about who the owner is, and there is no information about it on the website.

It is always a big waning sign when there is no info about the owner – what is he/she trying to hide?

This sign alone is not enough to judge, if a program is a scam or not though, as there are many scams where the owner is very visible.

It is just one warning sign and something to put together with the rest of the signs below before making any buying decisions.

Warning sign #2 – You are told you will start earning within hours

One of the big claims Secret Affiliate makes is that you will start earning money within hours.

You are supposedly shown an affiliate account, and then you see a screenshot an hour later, two hours later, and 24 hours later, and you can see the earnings keep growing.

secret affiliate earning example

You can supposedly start making hundreds of dollars on day one.

On the very first day he makes more than $400 and on the second day he makes more than $500 – would it not be great if it was this fast to make money online?

Even though it is definitely realistic to make this money through affiliate marketing, this is NOT something you should expect to happen from the beginning.

If you have a very big network, it might be possible to get some sales on the first day, but as a complete beginner this is just not realistic.

It is definitely possible to eventually make good money with affiliate marketing. The reality is however that for most people that just start out, it will like take up to 6 months to start seeing any income.

For some it will of course happen faster and for some slower, as it depends on effort and a number of other factors.

But claiming that you can just starting to make hundreds of dollars from day one without any experience and just by clicking a few buttons is simply not realistic.

Any program that claims it is this easy and fast to make a living online is one to be careful about.

Warning sign #3 – Lies about the number of websites you need

You are told that to make money with affiliate marketing, you need a website for each affiliate program.

new website for each affiliate program claim

You are told you need a new website for each affiliate program – this is NOT true.

This is simply not true. This is in my opinion just a way to make it look impossible to do without an automatic system that can spit out websites for you.

You can promote as many affiliate programs as you want to on one website.

It makes the most sense, if you only promote products within the same niche on each website, but there is no limit to how many you can promote on each website.

I for example have a website where I promote offers for more than 50 different affiliate programs – it is simply not true that you need a new website for each.

In fact, it is an advantage to build a few big and good websites instead of spreading out on many automatic and poor websites (more about this a little later)

Warning sign #4 – You will not get all the commissions

I spotted a VERY big warning sign in the sales video. The spokesperson person says that some of the affiliate links will be yours.

some affiliate links will be yours statement

Apparently only some of the affiliate links will be yours.

This made me very worried – why only some?

Usually when you have an affiliate marketing website, all the affiliate links will of course be yours. It is your website, you are doing the work, and you should get the commissions.

This statement reveals that some of the links will NOT be yours – this is not normal for an affiliate marketing website. You should not have to promote the affiliate links of the owner.

So this warning sign is in my opinion a BIG deal-breaker.

Warning sign #5 – No control over the websites

Let’s give Secret Affiliate the benefit of the doubt for a moment, and assume it is a fantastic system, and you start making hundreds of dollars on your Secret Affiliate websites very quickly.

Then there is another big problem – you have no control over these websites.

You do not decide where they are hosted, and you do not own them.

If the owner at some point decides to close down the program or take your access away, you do not have access to anything.

You will be left without any websites and without any income. In addition to this, you will not have learned any skills to build your own affiliate income, as it has just been an automatic system doing it for you.

So even if the system works, it comes with some big risks that you need to consider before joining.

Warning sign #6 – Secret traffic source claim

This is a claim I see often – you are told that the system has a secret traffic method that can easily give you a lot of traffic for your websites.

secret affiliate traffic method

Be careful about programs that promise a secret traffic method.

Traffic is very important for an affiliate website. Without this you will not make any commissions.

But traffic is also one of the hardest things to get, because you need quality traffic.

It is definitely possible to learn to get this, but there is no secret traffic source that will bring high numbers of high quality traffic to your site from day one for free.

So be very careful about any program that claims it has a secret traffic method that can do this for you – it is simply not how internet marketing works. I know, as I have worked with online marketing for years and have e.g. worked for several big agencies.

Warning sign #7 – Told you do not need to work

The idea of the Secret Affiliate system is that you do not need any skills to set it up, and you can do it without much work.

2 minutes setup claim

You can supposedly be up and running in 2 minutes.

You are told it only takes 2 minutes to set each site up, and you do not need to write, do coding, or anything else. You just need to be able to copy and paste.

One thing you need to think about in connection to this claim is how realistic it is a good website can be created in just 2 minutes?

It is technically possible to create automatic websites very fast. In most cases they will then automatically generate content or even take content from other websites.

There are several problems with this. If it is using the method of taking content from other websites, it is highly unethical. This is other peoples’ hard work.

At the same time it will not help you get quality traffic from Google, as it will just be copied content, and you can end up getting penalized for this instead.

If it generates complete automatic content, it will still be a bad idea.

It will not connect to your readers, and you will again have a very hard time getting any traction on Google with this approach, and it wil be hard to get visiotrs to stay on your site, as the content will not be personal.

Overall, the idea to have a system do all the work when it comes to making money online is simply not realistic.

This reminds a lot of another poor system I have previously review called Five Minute Profit Sites. The two systems basically claim to do the same, but it just not a good way to build a sustainable income.

It is possible to learn to make money online like this, but it will take some effort and time, and you should not rely on a system to do it all for you – it will be at best be a waste of time.

In fact Secret Affiliate itself reveals it might not be as easy in its disclaimer in small letters at the bottom of the website.

secret affiliate disclaimer

The Secret Affiliate disclaimer reveals it might not be as easy after all.

Here it says that the earning potential is entirely up to you, and most importantly is depends on the effort you put in.

If it really was such a great automatic system, where all you need to do is to copy and paste a few minutes, why would it then depend on your effort?

So do not expect it to be as easy as Secret Affiliate claims in the sales video.

Warning sign #8 – Not transparent price

The final warning sign I want to go over in this review is the price. It looks very cheap, as you can get access for only $17.

Be aware that this will not be the final price. There will be several upsells after you join, and it can end up being a lot more expensive.

I looked at the promotional info of Secret Affiliate, where they tell about how much people can earn by promoting the system. Even here they are not completely transparent about the full price and about how much people can earn by promoting it.

secret affiliate price

There is a whole funnel of upsells after you join.

You can however in the information see that they pay commissions on all the funnel, which means there will be several more upgrades after you join. I do not know exactly how many, as I for all the reasons mentioned in this review did not want to waste my money.

They even have a $7,000 cash contest to the people that are best at promoting the program (this also explains some of the exaggeratedly positive Secret Affiliate reviews you can find online).

If they can afford to pay this in commission and in a contest, you can figure out that your price can end up being a lot higher than the initial joining fee.

I personally hate when programs use upsells like this, and in my opinion it is a BIG warning sign that they are not transparent about the prices.

Final verdict – scam or legit?

Scam is a hard word, and I would not use this about Secret Affiliate, as you do get access to a system that can build automatic websites for you and some training material.

But this does not mean it will be worth it, and in my opinion it definitely will NOT be worth it. Let’s finish by summing up the pros and cons, so you can see why and judge for yourself.


  • Affiliate marketing is a real way to make money online



  • No info about owner
  • Automatic build websites are usually bad
  • Speed of income are NOT realistic
  • You do not own the sites
  • Not all links will be your affiliate links
  • Upsells after you join

I honestly do not have much positive to say about Secret Affiliate. The only positive things I can say is that Secret Affiliate offers a money-back guarantee, and that affiliate marketing is definitely a real and great way to make money online.

But there are in my opinion so many reasons not to join Secret Affiliate. The whole idea of building completely automated affiliate websites does not make sense in the long run, the claims about how fast you will make money is unrealistic, you do not own the sites, and many more reasons.

For these reasons Secret Affiliate is definitely NOT a system I recommend.

Before you go!

If you want to learn proper affiliate marketing, and learn real skills that can help you build a realistic income, then there are definitely ways.

I started from scratch myself, and now make good money through affiliate marketing. It is possible to learn step-by-step. It is however important not to treat it as a get-rich-quick thing, as it is not.

It will take some time and effort, but it can definitely be worth it to get the freedom that comes with it.

Click the button below to see the exact steps I have used to build a full-time income on affiliate marketing – you can even see how you can get started for free.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Secret Affiliate system yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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