Five Minute Profit Sites claims it can help you exploit a loophole and make $519 per day online.
This is not unrealistic earnings online, but is this approach a realistic way to do it, or is Five Minute Profit Sites a scam?
Let me reveal right away that there are a lot of claims and BS in the presentation video, you need to be aware of. This Five Minute Profit Sites review will show you this, so you have the all details about how the system really works before investing any money.
Knowing this in advance can potentially save you a lot of time and money.
Five Minute Profit Sites at a Glance
Five Minutes Profit Sites has a lot of crazy claims. It is right about the possibility to earn money on affiliate marketing, but most other info is BS – Make sure to spot it before joining, as it can save you a lot if time and money.
Click to read about my #1 recommended way to make money online instead.
What is Five Minute Profit Sites and what does it offer?
When looking at any program that claims to help you make money online, it is always a good idea to look at the owner behind the company. It is however difficult to find any info about this for Five Minute Profit Sites.
You are just told that the spokesperson is Sam Smith. You are however also later told that the website you will get through them will have a presentation video with professional actors, so maybe Five Minute Profit Sites themselves are also using actors for their videos?
I cannot say for sure, but I can say that I have not been able to find any info about who is behind the system, and the name of the spokesperson person is so generic that it is impossible to find any information about her, which is always a red flag to me.
But maybe that is just because the owner is a private person, so let’s look into what the system offers, to get a better idea about the system, and if it is worth joining.
Below, I have made a short video walk-through of Five Minute Profit Sites, where I will show you what it offers, and what you have to be aware of before getting it. Below the video, you can read further details.
Get a done-for-you website:
Five Minute Profit Sites is offering you access to a software that can help you create a done-for-you website in only 5 minutes and 17 clicks.

You can supposedly create a website in 5 minutes with Five Minutes Profit Sites.
This reminds me a lot about another system I have reviewed called Profit with Alex, which offers more or less the same, and was a system I was definitely not impressed with. In fact both of the logos are more or less the same as well – when I saw this, it was definitely another red flag to me.
However, in theory it is possible to build a website frame in less than 5 minutes, as Five Minute Profit Sites claims. They also show this process in a live demo.
The live demo is in my opinion a lot of BS, as you are just shown a clock, then some clicks, then the done website, and then the clock again. This does not really prove anything.
But in their defense, “Sam” mentions that it is a very simple website, so it might be possible to build a very basic website automatically within 5 minutes. However, the question is then how profitable a website like this will be, but I will get more into this later in this review.
This done-for-you website, where you do not need any experience whatsoever is supposedly the foundation of your future online income.
Follow training only 23 minutes per day:
To start making money on your website does supposedly not take much work. You are told that all you have to do is to follow simple step-by-step guidance 23 minutes per day.
This of course sounds great, but the claims about how easy it is to start earning is a big warning sign. I agree that more or less anyone can learn to make money online, if they follow the right training.
But the idea that you basically do not have to do any work for it and just have a system do most of the work for you is one of the big lies of internet marketing.
You can make really good money, but it will take time and effort. If you think that you can spend 23 minutes per day and then after a week make thousands of dollars, you will in most cases be very disappointed.
23 minutes per day can help you build an online income, if you follow the right training, but it will NOT happen within a week, as Five Minute Profit Sites claims it will. I have seen many people fail online, because they thought they could just click a few buttons and then sit back and become rich – that is not how a sustainable online income is created.
Earn profit on your new website:
Once you have your website and follow the training, you will supposedly start making thousands of dollars within a week.

Five Minute Profits sites claims you can have this income after a week.
The way to do this is through affiliate marketing, which is definitely a legit and real way to make money online. As I have already mentioned above, the expectation that it will make you this much money within a week, is simply NOT realistic for a completely new website build automatically.
The weekly earnings Five Minute Profit Sites’ demo is showing are definitely realistic through affiliate marketing – eventually. But let me just make it clear – building an online income does NOT happen overnight.
In the disclaimer on Five Minute Profit Sites’ website they are actually even saying this themselves.

The disclaimer reveals it is not average earnings.
It says that the results they show are exceptional and not average earnings. So do not take the claims on the website as any guarantee or example of average results, even though it might seem like it.
It is not, and Five Minute Profit Sites is saying this themselves, if you look at the disclaimer, which can be found through a small link at the bottom of the website.
Recommended: Click to see the 4-step process I use to make money online
Can you really build a profitable website in 5 minutes?
As I mentioned above, it is in theory possible to make a website like the one Five Minute Profit Sites offers automatically in just 5 minutes. It is just a single page with a video and an affiliate link, so it is not difficult to make.
However, this is also not really a good website, and not a website that will create quality traffic. It would take a lot of advertising and a lot of budget to get traffic for a page with so little content.
I have worked with optimizing websites for traffic for years, and I know it does not just come on its own. If you want to attract quality traffic on its own, you first of all need to optimize your website for the search engines and for the users. If you do not do this, you need to have a big budget to get any traffic.
Five Minute Profit Sites does not mention anything about this. They make it sound very easy and automatic. You will get a website with a sales video with a professional actress that presents a certain product.

You will get a website with a sales video.
This video will then convert visitors by promising them a free money-making system. When they put in their email to get this system, they will also be send to a ClickBank product with your affiliate link, and if they buy, you will earn up to 75% commissions.
Sounds great and easy right?
Five Minute Profit Sites however tells you nothing about how you will get traffic to your site, and you have no idea what kind of product you will be promoting to people.
ClickBank can be a great place to earn commissions as an affiliate, but there are also many ClickBank scams, so you might end up promoting one of these. And not really great to have a website that promotes a scam product, where other people will lose money, just so you can earn a commission. It will not be a long-term and sustainable way to build an online income.
So there are many things that are just not realistic about the claims Five Minute Profit Sites makes. You can make a very superficial website in just 5 minutes automatically, but it will NOT be a good foundation for long-term success online.
Why is Five Minutes Profit Sites free?
So far you can see that there are a lot of things you are not told about Five Minute Profit Sites. But you might think it is worth the try, since you are told several times that it is a completely free software.
But this is not entirely true – there is a catch!
One thing is that during the sign-up process, you will have to join for example the affiliate network ClickBank and the email provider A-weber. Both of these through Five Minute Profit Sites’ affiliate link, so they will earn a commission on this, if you end up earning or spending money on these sites.
There is nothing really wrong with this, and Five Minute Profit Sites also mentions that the reason they offer the software for free is not charity, but because they will earn a small commission, so it is a win-win situation.
What you however find out when you try to sign up is that it is not free. You are told the software is free, but there will be a small fee for the hosting of your website.

There is a joining fee of $37.
It will cost you $37 to join, if you hurry, so you get the “special” discount.
This might not sound like a lot of money, but wait till you find out what happens after you join.
What will happen after you join?
$37 is not a lot to join. But what you are not told is the additional fee and upsells there will be, after you join.
I know about these, because I have looked into Five Minute Profit Sites’ affiliate program, where they tell people what they will get in commissions, if they promote the sýstem. You can see the affiliate structure they describe below.

The affiliate info reveals the true cost of joining.
This shows that the $37 will only give you access to the software and the front end. To go further, you need to invest further into getting websites and traffic training. In total, it can end up costing you $655 to get full access. That is a lot of money for a system that in my opinion will not give you any good foundation to create an online income.
In addition to this cost, I have also found out through the affiliate information that there will be a monthly cost for having access to the system.
So the system is NOT free at all. One thing is there is a cost – I think it is fine there is a cost, and I myself am happily paying for quality services (would however never pay for Five Minute Profit Sites).
But when a company is not transparent about the costs, and when you are not told how expensive it can end up being, it is a big red flag. What else are they not honest about?
Recommended: See my #1 recommended way to make money online (no hidden costs or BS)
Other BS you have to be aware of
I have already showed you several things about Five Minute Profit Sites that are red flags in my opinion.
What I have showed you so far is however not the only BS, I found on their website. Let me give you a few more examples and things you need to be aware of.
You do not have to hurry:
You are told you have to hurry to sign up. This is not really true. You do not have to worry that this “great” offer will suddenly not be available to you.
It is just a trick to get you to sign up without thinking about it. The system has already been available for sale for years, and as long as people are interested in buying it, it will probably be available.
Five Minute Profit Sites are actually revealing this themselves in the information they give to affiliates. Here you are told that you do not have to worry about the offer disappearing. They are planning to stick around.
So this is just another trick and another example the company is not honest to their customers at all.
The claims about why people fail:
In the sales video of Five Minute Profit Sites you are told most people fail with affiliate marketing. The reason for this is supposedly that they do not know the shortcuts and do not have the right tools.
It is true that most people fail, but I very much disagree with the reasons why people fail with affiliate marketing.
The reasons are not that people do not know the shortcuts and do not have the right tools. The reasons are contrary that too many people are looking for shortcuts and are expecting tools to be able to do all the work for them.
There are no shortcuts, and it takes time and effort to build an online income. The reasons so many people fail is because they believe programs that claim you can become rich overnight with affiliate marketing and do it automatically, so you do not have to make an effort yourself – and Five Minute Profit Sites are selling this exact idea.
The email tool is not free:
During the sign-up process you are told to sign up for the email provider A-weber and that this is free.
This is a legit and good email provider. However, it is not really free. You can get a free 30-day trial, but after that it will cost a minimum of $19 per month. Another example that Five Minute Profit Sites is not clear about the true cost.
And it does also not even make sense to start by signing up for an email provider. As long as you do not even yet have traffic for your website, it does not make sense to set up email marketing to capture leads on your site.
So it seems more like it is just a way to get you to sign up, so Five Minute Profit Sites can make a commission.
Final thoughts
Five Minute Profit Sites is full of BS in my opinion. But let’s sum up the pros and cons, so you can get a quick overview of what it offers, so you can decide for yourself.
- Affiliate marketing is a legit way to make money
- Not honest about the pricing
- Exaggerated claims about how fast you can make money
- Claims you can make money automatically
- Full of pushy sales tricks
- No info about the owner of the company
In general the only positive I can think of when it comes to Five Minute Profit Sites is that affiliate marketing definitely is a a legit way to make money online.
The approach they suggest is however NOT an approach I would recommend. You can make really good money with affiliate marketing, but you should not expect it to happen automatically and without effort. And in general I dislike company that use upsells like this, as I think it is a dishonest way to get people to join, and in my opinion definitely not worth the money.
If you are interested in learning to do affiliate marketing properly and make money online, you are welcome to check out the approach I am using to make money with affiliate marketing. It takes some effort, but it is legit, and you can even get started for free, to see if it is for you.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Five Minute Profit Sites yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.
Everything about this product is so full of hoax. The 5-minute branding, the easy approach and the earning snapshot. I can’t believe that people are still falling for this type of promises. They are never true and never have been. Quit thinking that you can make money easily online. Instead, invest in a well-structured website and legitimate income model such as affiliate marketing and you’ll be rewarded for years to come.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Cathy.
You are very right that programs that make this kind of claims will never work. A shame so many programs are still making this kind of claims.
I completely agree that the first step to success online is to stop thinking that it will happen overnight and without effort. Then affiliate marketing is a great way to build an long-term income.