is one of the many URL shorteners where you can supposedly make some easy money online.
But is ShrinkEarn a scam or really a good way to earn online?
I have put it to the test and decided to see what it really offers and how good the opportunities for earning are.
Let me just reveal right away that it is a way to earn, BUT as the headline reveals there are, in my opinion, good reasons to be skeptical before joining.
This review will give you an inside look so you can see exactly what to expect and judge for yourself if it will really be worth your time or not.
ShrinkEarn at a Glance
It is possible to earn on ShrinkEarn by shortening links and sending traffic to them.
BUT it has some big downsides, in my experience.
The pages people are sent to through the links you have to share are some of the worst ad pages I have seen. They have extremely low usability and there are pop-up ads and downloads no matter what people click.
This is definitely not a way to build trust and a long-term online income. And on top of that, you have to send A LOT of traffic just to earn a few dollars.
For these reasons, I think it is an ineffective use of time and NOT an option I will recommend if you want to make money online.
What is and what does it offer?
ShrinkEarn is a platform where you can easily shorten URLs (website addresses) and then earn by sharing these online.
The reason you can get paid to share these links is that people will be sent to an ad before going to the final destination and advertisers will pay for this.
The concept is pretty simple and similar to other similar platforms like, for example,
However, when you dig a bit deeper there are some things you really need to consider before starting to invest your time.
I have joined to test it myself and in this review, I will show you everything you need to know to find out if it is really worth it based on my experiences as a full-time online marketer.
So let’s start by going over how you can earn on ShrinkEarn.
The main way to earn on ShrinkEarn is the same as on all other link shorteners you can earn to use.
You simply have to shorten a link and then share it.

It is easy to get started – you just need to shorten a link.
You can shorten any link you want to – it does not have to be for your own website.
The way it then works is that when you share the link somewhere, people will hopefully click it.
When they click it, they will not be taken directly to the destination URL. They will instead be taken to a page on ShrinkEarn with an ad.

Visitors are taken to an ad page when clicking a link.
So advertisers will pay to get traffic like this and that is why you can get paid to send traffic to links.
You will get paid depending on the number of clicks you send but I will go more into details about how much you can earn later.
The idea is that people can then either choose to interact with the ad or they can choose to continue to the website they actually wanted to visit – or that is how it usually works anyway.
However, when it comes to the ads are more confusing than on similar sites, in my opinion.
It was not easy to find out how to continue to the actual site. And no matter where I clicked on the screen (see image above), I was just taken to an ad and not to the actual website.
So in that sense, it is not very user-friendly for the people clicking the links.
You can argue that this does not really matter for you because you will still get paid for sending the traffic. That is, in one sense true, but as I will show you later, this can still have a dramatic effect on your earnings.
But let’s, for now, focus on how you can earn on ShrinkEarn and there are a few more methods.
Option 2 – Invite other people to join ShrinkEarn
You can earn passively if you invite a lot of people to ShrinkEarn – but, of course, only if they will actually join and use it a lot.

You can earn by inviting others.
If you invite someone who ends up being active, you will earn a 20% commission of their earnings. Their earnings will not be affected as the commission will be paid by and not taken from their earnings.
So if you know a lot of people that might be interested in earning like this, it can be a way to earn some extra cash for you.
But before knowing if that will be a good way to earn, you need to know exactly how much an average person will be able to earn on as that will affect your potential referral earnings.
I will go into all the details about this below. First, I just want to go over one small extra way to earn.
Option 3 – Create a ShrinkEarn video review
Once you are inside the members area of ShrinkEarn, you can see they offer an extra task you can do to receive a $3 gift.

You can earn by making a YouTube review of ShrinkEarn.
You can create a video review of ShrinkEarn and once it has 2,000 vies, you will get the money.
They do, however, not mention, what you have to do to claim the reward, which is a bit strange.
But if you have tried to learn video marketing, you will also know that getting 2,000 legit views of a YouTube video is not as easy as it might sound.
So unless you already how a big audience on YouTube and quite a lot of followers, this is not an option I would recommend investing time in as it is simply not realistic to get 2,000 views for the video within a reasonable time frame if you start from scratch.
And if you have that big an audience, you can find better ways to earn than hoping for $3 for a video review anyway.
Recommended: See How I Make $6K+ Online Every Month
How much money can you make on ShrinkEarn?
The big question before deciding to join ShrinkEarn or not is, of course, how much you can actually earn.
The big selling point of the platform is that you can earn up to $20 per 1,000 visits you send.

You can earn up to $20 per 1,000 visits – BUT there is a catch.
This is actually quite high – especially compared to similar platforms. But there is a catch.
How much you will earn depends on the country the traffic you are sending is coming from. And there is only one country that will give you $20 per 1,000 visits.
All other countries will give less as you can see in the image showing the rates below.

The traffic rates on ShrinkEarn.
As you can see, the only country where you get the highest rate is if you send traffic from Greenland.
This is, in my opinion, honestly a sneaky trick to be able to say they pay the highest rates but, in fact, it does not really make sense if it is only with traffic from Greenland you can get the high rate.
It is a country with a population of around only 60,000 so it does not have a big traffic potential.
As soon as we get to countries with real traffic potential the rates are a lot lower. They are still decent compared to similar platforms, but you need to consider some things to figure out how much you can really earn.
First of all, you are not allowed to just send any traffic. According to their terms, you can, for example, not send traffic from traffic exchange or PTC sites where it is possible to get really cheap traffic.

You cannot send traffic from traffic exchange or PTC sites.
So you need to know how to get real quality traffic to an offer. If you have no experience with this, it will take quite some learning and ShrinkEarn does not provide any training on this.
So you have to find other ways to learn how to actually generate traffic as you will find it very hard to generate even just 1,000 clicks just by sharing randomly on social media, etc.
Also, you have to be aware that to get paid for the traffic, the visitors have to visit the website you send them to for at least 10 seconds.

Clicks are not counted if people do not visit the website for 10 seconds.
If not, the clicks will not count and you will not get paid.
Remember earlier I said that it is very difficult to figure out how to even get to the final destination website from the ad site?
This is where it becomes important for you if you want to make money on ShrinkEarn. Because if people just quickly give up and leave the site, you will not earn.
And, in my opinion, the usability for people clicking the links that have been shortened with ShrinkEarn is really low so there is a great risk many will leave quickly which means you likely have to send a lot more than 1,000 clicks to earn for 1,000 clicks.
Therefore, the earning potential is NOT big on, in my experience.
This does not mean you cannot earn as it is possible to earn.
So let’s also look into how you can then get your earnings out as you also need to consider this before deciding to join or not.
How will you get paid?
If you decide ShrinkEarn is the right way for you to make money online, you need to know how you can potentially get your earnings out.
The payout methods are the best part about ShrinkEarn, in my opinion, as it offers several convenient methods.

The payout methods are the best thing about ShrinkEarn.
You can get paid via PayPal, WebMoney, Payeer, Skrill, UPI and bank transfer.
The payout threshold is $5 and they process payments daily.
Just be aware that it can take up to 4 business days until you receive the payment after you have requested it.
So overall the payout options are pretty good on, in my opinion.
However, even though the payout threshold is only $5, it will likely take you quite some time to reach depending on how good you are at sending traffic.
Is it safe and worth it?
So far you can see it is possible to earn on ShrinkEarn and the payout methods are pretty good.
But is it really worth it? And is it even safe to use?
Let me start by answering the first question.
As already mentioned, I think the earning potential is pretty low – especially considering the effort you have to put into getting the traffic.
It might sound easy but it really is not that easy and if you have no experience you need to learn more about internet marketing first.
In addition to this, I have some issues with the way the ad page people are sent to works.
Personally, I would never send people to an ads page like that as it really is not user-friendly. It is annoying for them and it also hurts your long-term business.
There are ads and pop-ups everywhere. I also saw a notification bar asking for permission to send updates.

I could not close down this notification box.
This is very normal on websites. But on ShrinkEarn, I could not say no. Whatever I clicked, I was just taken to a new page with ads.
And that happened no matter what I clicked on the page.
There is, in my opinion, a big risk people will quickly stop trusting links from you if they are told to visit a certain website and then are taken to a page full of ads and no matter what they click they are just taking to another ad.
This brings me to the next questions about whether it is safe or not.
Because I, for example, saw some things that worried me on the ad page.
One of the ads that popped up was one of these fake news websites that are using more or less the same logo as a big website brand and uses images of celebrities to make it look like a great investment opportunity.
Also, when I tried to move on to the actual website link, I also experience that suddenly a file started downloading.

Suddenly a file started downloading.
My virus program immediately blocked it and I quickly closed the browser.
I honestly have no idea what it started downloading but, in my opinion, it is a big red flag when something just starts downloading without you having deliberately asked about it.
So it might be safe for you to send traffic as you will not have to visit the ads yourself. But it might not be good for the visitors – or that is at least my experience.
And this is something you really have to consider if you want to build a real income online.
You have to focus on giving real value to visitors. This will build trust and long-term opportunities. But if people feel you are sending them to spam, they will stop trusting you.
Therefore, ShrinkEarn is really not worth it, in my opinion.
Both because it is not a way to build a real long-term online income and because I do not want to support sending people to ad pages like that even if I get paid for it.
Final verdict
As you can see in this review, it is possible to earn by using ShrinkEarn. But it definitely also has its downsides.
So let’s finish by summing up the pros and cons so you can get a better overview before making your final decision.
- Free to join
- Good payout methods
- Very low earning potential
- The highest rate is only for one country (with very low traffic potential)
- The pages people are sent to are NOT user-friendly
- It can hurt your reputation to send people to the ad pages
- You have no control of the ads shown
Overall, the only pros I think ShrinkEarn has is that it is free to join and offer good payout methods.
But this is not enough to be a site I would recommend.
The pages people are sent to through the links you have to share are some of the worst ad pages I have seen. They have extremely low usability and there are pop-up ads and downloads no matter what people click.
This is definitely not a way to build trust and a long-term online income. And on top of that, you have to send a lot of traffic just to earn a few dollars.
For these reasons, I think it is an ineffective use of time and NOT an option I will recommend if you want to make money online.
Are there more effective ways to earn online?
There are quite a lot of other more effective ways to earn online than ShrinkEarn, in my experience.
If you want to make real money online and potentially build a full-time income, this is definitely possible. It will take time and effort but it can really be worth it and it is possible to learn no matter your background.
Personally, I have had the most success with affiliate marketing and am now able to make a living from this that makes it possible for me to work from anywhere completely on my own terms.
So if you are interested in earning in a more effective way and are willing to put in the time it takes, you should definitely learn more about affiliate marketing.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.
Hello bro please help me by the name of god I’m very very jobless i swear i got too much loan now i want to earn online i.made an account of shrinkear and clicked 320 time from my other gmail but the earning is still .018 please let mw know should we click from same gmail or different gmail.. And the other point if we have to click from different gmail that’s OK but what after if i click 1k from other gmail than i have to click from 1k.more different gmail or from the same.please let me anyone i swear to god I’m very jobless
It is not allowed to click your own links.
I explain everything in the review above.
Thanks for the review.
Wesley virgin recommends this site.
I was once interested in affiliate marketing but gave up on it, because it always took so long to get the affiliate link approved by the vendor. I used JVZOO and warriors plus. It took days and sometimes I didn’t even got approved, because I’m a Newbie.
I was even a member of wealthy affiliate.
Do you have any suggestions.
I really want to make a good passive income online.
Ive been trying for about a year now and haven’t made a penny yet
Do you mean Wesley Virgin recommends ShrinkEarn? If that is the case they must have paid him to do that because it is not really a good option, in my opinion.
About your question then I personally do not use JVzoo or Warrior+ because the majority of products there are really poor and not something I want to promote. You mention you have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate – did you follow the training there step-by-step and take action on everything?
Because if you want to get started online, that would be my suggestion. But just be aware that making money online takes a lot of effort and hard work before you will see results. But if you are willing to work hard and put in the time required to learn and take action, it definitely can give a lot of freedom.
Hey there thank you so much. This is one of the best articles on url shortener that pays. Keep posting great stuff.
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Hi I wish I had of found your review earlier. I signed up an acount for Shrinkearn and hated it and am now worried that they have my personal info. How did you delete your account because I can’t even manage to find how you can delete your info, grr. Please help!
I also have not been able to delete my account – very sneaky that they do not have an easy way to do this. So your best chances are to contact them and hope they agree to delete your info. Let me know how it goes.