Being able to work from the comfort of your home or wherever you want is a dream to many people and there are several ways to make this possible online.
Captcha Club claims it is a platform that can easily make this possible for you.
But is Captcha Club a scam or is it really one of the legit ways to make real money online?
I have joined to test it myself and let me just reveal right away that I found some big red flags you seriously need to consider before investing.
This Captcha Club review will give you an inside look and show you all the details so you can see and judge for yourself.
Captcha Club at a Glance
At first, Captcha Club seems like an appealing and easy way to make good money online.
But it also has some serious red flags you, in my opinion, need to consider before signing up – to mention a few they are, for example, using fake testimonials, suspicious payment proof, and you cannot get access to their terms and conditions.
It just has too many red flags and when you put it all together it seems like the platform has something to hide and the lack of transparency makes it a platform I strongly advise you NOT to join.
If you want to make money online, there are many other ways where you are told right away what to expect and where you know what you are getting into and I would suggest you join one of these options instead.
What is Captcha Club and what does it offer?
Captcha Club is supposedly a platform where you can easily start making money online just by solving online captcha.
You see these captchas all over the internet and they are used to verify that you are a human and not a bot.
The first thing I questioned was why they would be interested in paying you to solve these as they are usually used to prevent spam and fraud online.
So it does not seem completely pure to pay someone to do a lot of these every day, does it?
Anyway, let’s, for now, focus on how you can earn by solving these captchas on Captcha Club and what you need to be aware of before making any conclusions so you can see if it will be for you or not.
The work itself is very easy. You basically just have to write some numbers and letters.

The work itself is easy.
It does not take long to solve a captcha and how many you can do per month depends on your membership (more about this is the next section).
You can also join no matter where you live so it is supposedly possible to earn from all countries.
So at first glance, it might seem very appealing and like an easy way to start earning online. But there are some things you need to know before starting.
First of all, you need to consider the price.
Captcha Club pricing
Captcha Club has different membership options.
The standard membership is free and then there are 2 paid options.

The membership options on Captcha Club.
The higher the membership you get, the more you can earn per captcha and the more you are allowed to earn per month.
The Premium membership costs $100 per month and the Premium+ costs $200 per month.
Be aware that the prices are per month. But if you can really earn what Captcha Club claims, it might be a good investment.
But after having tested it and looked deeper into it, I must admit I am very skeptical.
I found several red flags that really concern me and you need to know about these before making any decision about joining.
Recommended: See How I Make $6K+ Online Every Month
6 Red Flags Revealed
As mentioned, I spotted several red flags when I tested Captcha Club.
These are based on my experiences as a full-time online business owner and I have tested hundreds of earning platforms online.
Based on this I found some things on that really worried me and I will share these with you below so you can see and judge for yourself.
Red flag #1 – Fake testimonials
On Captcha Club’s Facebook page they have several testimonial videos from supposed members telling how great it is and that you can basically make as much money as you want to.
However, when I saw these testimonials, I became immediately suspicious.
I recognized the person in the very first testimonial I saw from several other programs I have investigated like 1K Daily Profits, 12 Day Millionaire, and more.

Captcha Club is using fake testimonials.
This person is selling testimonials on the freelance platform Fiverr.
This is a huge big red flag for me. If the platform really was as great as they claim, they would be no need to buy testimonials, right?
And after I first posted this review them have added even more testimonials and some of them are just pictures of people that are supposed members.
The problem is just that when you do a google search for the images they are either stock images or pictures of people from other websites they have just taken.
So do NOT trust any of the testimonials on Captcha Club.
Red flag #2 – High withdrawal threshold
Since you can join Captcha Club for free, you can argue that there is nothing to lose so why not give it a try and see if you can get your earnings out.
Well, the problem with this is that the payout threshold is extremely high. You have to earn $100 before you can get your earnings out.

The payout threshold is unusually high.
It is very unusual to have this high payout threshold and it means you will have to put in a lot of time before you can verify if you will even get your money.
This is very suspicious compared to legit websites that actually pay you. For doing micro-tasks like this, you will never see this high a payout threshold, in my experience.
If you have the free membership you have to do 3,333 tasks to reach the payout threshold. And even if you had the time to do this, it cannot be achieved in one month as the free membership has a limit of $90 earnings per month.
So you might not risk any money if you just stick to the free membership but you can potentiallt end up wasting a lot of time, in my opinion.
Red flag #3 – You have to pay to withdraw
As you can see above, you have to work quite hard to get to the payout threshold.
But when you finally get there, you will have to pay a fee of $40 to withdraw your earnings.

There is a fee the first time you want to withdraw.
I know they say it is a one-time fee but it is still very unreasonable, in my opinion.
You have to put in so much time to earn and then they will take such a big part of your supposed first payout – this is very suspicious, in my opinion.
Red flag #4 – Suspicious payment proof
On Captcha Club’s Facebook page you cannot only see fake testimonials as mentioned earlier. You can also see a lot of suspicious payment proof.
At first sight, they might seem like great proof the site actually works. But if you look closer, there are some suspicious things about them.
First of all, on most of the proof, the actual amount of dollars paid out has been hidden and then it does not really prove anything. But I also spotted one that had not blocked it out.

This payment “proof” has a suspicious amount.
Here it says the payout was $78 – that seems very strange since the payout threshold is $100.
When you to that add the fact that on most of the payment proof where you can see a name. it is for the same person – this makes it even more suspicious.
They have tried to block the name of some of the payment proof but not done a very good job so you can still spot the name if you look closely.

Most of the payment proof is to the same person even though they have tried to hide it.
It looks like they have put a lot of effort into producing payment proof but more or less all of them seem to be for the same person and many have the actual amount blocked.
This seems very strange and an unusual way of showing payment proof if there was nothing to hide.
Red flag #5 – Strange errors on the website
Another thing I found suspicious when looking deeper into Captcha Club was the many spelling errors on the website.
We all make mistakes and errors once in a while and you can likely find some in this article as well.
But the language is in general very poor on Captcha Club and for a platform that offers to pay you to be precise when writing captcha, this is very suspicious, in my opinion.

There is a lot of strange errors on the website.
The image above just shows one example but their whole website is full of mistakes like this. If a so-called professional platform like this has this many language errors, it becomes suspicious, in my opinion.
Not so much on its own but when you put it together with the rest of the red flags it adds to the overall poor experience and impression.
Red flag #6 – No access to terms and conditions
A final very important red flag I spotted when signing up for Captcha Club was the terms and conditions. You have to agree to these when signing up.

You cannot get access to the terms and conditions.
That is, of course, very normal when you sign up for anything online.
The problem with Captcha Club is just that you can only click on accept but you cannot actually click to read the terms and conditions.
And I could also not find the terms and conditions anywhere else on the website.
If they truly had nothing to hide, the terms and conditions would be easily accessible, and not being able to read them before accepting them is a big red flag, in my opinion.
Final verdict
At first, Captcha Club seems like an appealing and easy way to make good money online.
But it also has some serious red flags you, in my opinion, need to consider before signing up so you know what you really get into – especially if you are planning to invest in a premium membership.
So let’s finish this review by summing up the pros and cons of the platform so you can get a better overview before deciding to join or not.
- You can join for free
- High payout threshold
- It uses fake testimonials
- The payment proofs are suspicious
- No terms and conditions
- You have to pay to get your earnings out
Overall, the only good thing I can say about Captcha Club after having tested it is that, at least, you can get to test it for free.
But, in my opinion, you can risk wasting a lot of time and I would definitely not recommend investing into a premium membership as you can then also risk losing money.
It just has too many red flags and when you put it all together it seems like the platform has something to hide and the lack of transparency makes it a platform I strongly advise you NOT to join.
If you want to make money online, there are many other ways where you are told right away what to expect and where you know what you are getting into and I would suggest you join one of these options instead.
How I make a living online
I have personally been able to create on full-time online income that now allows me to work when and where I want to completely on my own terms so I know it is possible.
It takes some effort but it is totally worth it to get the freedom that comes with it.
If you want to follow my footsteps and create your own online income, then check out my FREE guide where I explain how this is possible step-by-step.
You can even get started with these steps as a complete beginner.
If you have any questions, comments, or have any experience with Captcha Club yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.