12 Day Millionaire claims to be able to make you $1,000 within the next 24 hours.
But is 12 Day Millionaire a scam, or is it finally a way to quick financial freedom?
Let me reveal right away that there are a lot of lies and warning signs in the sales video. It is important you know this before investing any money.
In this 12 Day Millionaire review I will reveal the truth about all the claims it makes, so know what to expect and be aware before investing any money.
12 Day Millionaire at a Glance
The 12 Day Millionaire system is using affiliate marketing to make money, which is a real way to earn online. That is the only good thing I can say about it. It uses a lot of tricks, makes exaggerated claims, and gives you false expectations. It is definitely NOT a system I recommend.
Click to see my top recommend way to make money online instead
What is 12 Day Millionaire and what does it offer?
12 Day Millionaire is a system that is supposedly developed by Josh – this is all you are told about the owner. No last name, no picture, no proof of his existence.
However, when you get to the checkout page of 12 Day Millionaire, you can see another name at the bottom of the page.

It does not look like the name of the owner is really Josh.
Here it says that the owner of the product is Benjamin Carter. A little strange right?
This is in itself a warning sign, when you cannot find any information about who is behind a program, and when the two names you find do not match. That you know who the owner is, on the other hand does not guarantee the quality of a product.
So this is not alone enough to completely rule out this system, so let’s look more into what it offers.
If you do not have any experience with internet marketing, it is not easy to find out exactly what 12 Day Millionaire is offering.
All you are told is that it is super easy. You do not have to do any work and Josh and his team will take care of everything for you.
He can supposedly not tell you more about how it works, until after you join.

You can apparently not know what the system is about until after you pay.
This is a classic trick mostly used by programs that are not worth it – you are told it is an amazing system, but they cannot say what it is about until after you have paid.
From looking at the video, I can however figure out what the system is about.
Josh shows some images of affiliate accounts, which means how you will supposedly make money is through affiliate marketing.
This means that you would get a website that promotes products within a certain niche. If people then buy, you would earn commissions from the sales.
Sounds good right?
Let’s first look into if this is even a valid way to make money online, and then later go more into the outrageous claims 12 Day Millionaire makes that you need to be aware of.
Can you make money like this online?
Affiliate marketing is definitely a real way to make money online. I know this for a fact, as I am making money like this online myself.
So theoretically the methods 12 Day Millionaire will be using can make you money online.
It is possible to for example make a website, promote products there, and then earn commissions. And it is even possible to make good money like this, and it is a 100% legit way.
I do however not think 12 Day Millionaire is a good place to learn this, and I highly doubt you will ever learn to build a long term sustainable income through affiliate marketing through this system.
The reasons for this are all the warning signs and lies used in the sales video. So let’s go over them now, so you can see and judge for yourself.
Recommended: See My Top Recommended Way To Learn to Make Money Online
The 12 Day Millionaire lies revealed
The sales page/video of 12 Day Millionaire has a lot of warning signs. It is very important you know about these before investing any money.
So let’s go over them now.
Warning sign #1 – Make $1,000 within 24 hours
You should in general be very careful about any program that claims you can start making a lot of money online very quickly.
12 Day Millionaire takes it even further than many similar programs, and claims you can make $1,000 within 24 hours.

Be careful about any system that claims you can make this kind of money in 24 hours.
This is just a silly claim. If you have never worked online before, you will NOT make this kind of money within 24 hours. And no automatic system will make that happen for just $37.
It just does not make sense, if you think about it.
It is definitely possible to learn to make money online, and some people also make this kind of money per day. BUT it will definitely not happen overnight, and any program that claims this is a program to stay away from.
Warning sign #2 – You do not have to do any work
In addition to claiming you can make very fast money online, 12 Day Millionaire also claims that you can even do it without doing any work.
You just have to do a few clicks with your mouse, and then you are ready to make money.

You can supposedly start making money with just a few clicks – this is NOT realistic!
You are even told by “Josh” that all you have to do is to promise him to login to your account a few times per week to check the money is being transferred. Him and his team will take care of the rest.
This would be amazing, BUT it is just not realistic.
Again, you can learn to make money online, but it will take effort. There is NO system that will be able to do all the work for you, and of course you will not find a guy like Josh that is just willing to do all the work for you either.
If you want money without effort, internet marketing is not the way to go. It can give a lot of freedom to create an online income, but you have to be willing to put in some work.
If you are going for the programs that promise quick money without effort, you can end up wasting years and thousands of dollars chasing this, but you should not expect any results.
Also, 12 Day Millionaire itself reveals in the disclaimer (through a small link at the bottom of the page) that it will not happen automatically.

The 12 Day Millionaire disclaimer reveals it will not be so automatic after all.
The disclaimer directly says that this is not a business opportunity and only provides advice and training about Internet and search engine optimization.
So the platform provides training and advice – this does not sound like a system that will do all the work for you does it?
Right after this, the disclaimer further says that this is a new product and there is no history of earnings of it.
That is very strange considering all the claims the video makes, and considering all the positive statements from supposed members in the video. So let me now explain where these reviews come from.
Warning sign #3 – Fake testimonials
This warning sign is a big one. There are several video reviews by supposed members of 12 Day Millionaire in the sales video. I recognized several of these people right away.
It turns out these people are selling video testimonials on the platform fiverr, and I have seen several of them recommending other poor internet marketing products.

This couple sells testimonials on fiverr.
I for example found the couple above selling testimonials on fiverr.
Another example is this guy:

This guy is in many sales videos.
I have for example seen him also giving a testimonial for the Free Ad Cash System that I have previously reviewed.
And as you can see on the image, I have also found him giving reviews of a lot of other things – on one of the images above he is even posing as a doctor.
You have to ask yourself, why they are using bought testimonials. If it was such a great system, would it then not be possible to get reviews from real users?
Probably not, since there is no earning history of the program, as I showed you earlier. It does not quite correspond with the rest of the claims in the video does it?
Warning sign #4 – The live “proof”
You are told that while watching the sales video of 12 Day Millionaire, you are already making money.
“Josh” then supposedly logs into your account, and show you how much money is already in it.

The live proof is not at all a real proof.
This is almost funny he tries to present this as live proof. It does not proof anything.
It is just a screen shot of a PayPal account, and it is definitely not live. This is NOT your account. All of us see the exact same video and same screen shot.
It is just a trick to make it seem like it is very easy and fast to make money with the system.
Warning sign #5 – Fake PayPal proof
As further proof 12 Day Millionaire works, you are also showed some screen shots of PayPal accounts of users that just started the day before.

A supposed member that has earned this in one day.
On the image above you can see Lisa, who already have $264 in her account and she just started the day before.
Again, this does NOT prove anything. I actually did a bit of research and searched the image of this woman. See what came up:

The image of the “member” is used on many other websites.
The exact same image is used in a lot of other connections, where she is not called Lisa. It seems more like a random image that has just been taken to try to create trust.
Final thoughts
Quite clearly I think 12 Day Millionaire is not worth joining. But let’s sum up the pros and cons, so you can easily get an overview and see why this is.
- Affiliate marketing is a real way to make money
- Fake testimonials
- No info about owner
- No earnings history
- Claims you can make fast money
- Claims you do not have to do any work
- Fake “live” proof
12 Day Millionaire in general makes a lot of exaggerated claims and in my opinion, it gives you false expectations about making money online.
As you can see, the claims are inconsistent (the disclaimer proves this), it uses a lot of tricks, and the use of bought testimonials makes it all even worse.
Definitely NOT a system I recommend.
If you want to make money online, it is possible to learn step-by-step with a realistic approach. You can check out my free guide to make money online, if you want to see the steps and approach I use to make a full-time income.
It will not make you rich overnight, and it takes effort, but it is a realistic approach that will teach you real internet marketing skills.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with 12 Day Millionaire yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.