Would’nt it be great if you could become rich by just working 30 minutes per day online?
This is what 30 Minute Money Methods claims you can.
But can this really be true, or is 30 Minute Money Methods a scam, where you will end up losing your money instead?
If you want to know what you can expect from this program before joining, this 30 Minute Money Methods review will tell you all the details about what the program really offers, what you can expect, and the red flags you need to know before investing any money in this program.
30 Minute Money Methods at a Glance
30 Minute Money Methods has a lot of warning signs. It for example makes a lot of exaggerated claims, and it is not honest about the true cost of joining. Definitely not a program I recommend.
Click to read about my #1 recommendation to make money online instead
What is 30 Minute Money Methods?
30 Minute Money Methods is a program you can join to supposedly learn how to easily make $50,000 per month online by just working 30 minutes per day.
The owner Shelley West claims that she has discovered four secret websites where you can do this, and she will share the methods with you, if you join.
The problem is just that you are not told anything about what the methods are. You could of course argue that she will not tell this, as it is a secret. But I would argue that if somebody cannot tell you anything about what you will get, before you have to take out your credit card, it is not a good sign.
For me it is not good enough to just be told that you have to pay to get access to the “secret”, and then she will teach you how to become rich online. If it really is an amazing method, you should at least be told a little about what to expect and what you need to do.
You are just told that it is methods that anybody can do, and you will start making money right away and make your money back in just five minutes after joining.

30 Minute Money Methods claims you will make your money back five minutes after joining.
The website and presentation video of 30 Minute Money Methods spends more time telling you what not to expect than what you will actually get.
It is actually a very clever presentation video. It talks about some popular ways to make money online like taking paid surveys and making a blog. I know from experience that both of these are legit ways of making money online and it is not true what is said in the video.
It is true that you should not take paid surveys to make a full-time income, but it is not true that most of them do not pay in cash. There are many sites that pay in cash and not only enter you into a prize draw as Shelly claims.
Furthermore, she failed creating an income on a blog and uses this to say it is not a valid method. I have also failed with blogging in the past, because I did not know the right process. However, when I learned how to do affiliate marketing the right way, I started making money on my websites and blogs. So it is not true this is not a valid way to make money online – it is in fact an excellent way to make money online, if you just learn to do it the right way.
So 30 Minute Money Methods is mostly just trying to convince you that Shelley has found the ultimate secret to make money online and nothing else works. But as I will show you throughout this review, you should be very skeptical about these claims.
Who is the owner of 30 Minute Money Methods?
A good way to find out if a program is legit or a scam is to look at the owner or who is behind the program.
The inventor of 30 Minute Money Methods is supposedly Shelly West. A very generic name and that is all you get. You can not see any other information about her and cannot see any picture of her or any real proof that she is an actual real person.

Shelly West has supposedly found the secret to make easy money online.
You are however told about her background. If you have looked into making money online before, you might feel it is more or less the same story, you have heard by other programs that claims to make you rich fast.
She had a hard life, she was broke, she was struggling, her husband left her, she could not pay her bills, and her life was in general a mess. This is of course sad, but when you like me have reviewed many online money making programs, you also learn to spot the tricks.
The stories are more or less always the same about the owner having a very tough life, as many of us can relate to this. And then one day the person suddenly finds THE SECRET nobody else knows about and became rich online overnight and now wants to share this secret with others to help them (of course if you pay for it).
The story is very sad, and it makes you emotional when you hear it, but do not get carried away by emotions in this case. There is absolute no proof this is actually true and Shelly is a real person. I also do not have proof she is not, but by putting everything together and by having a lot of experience in working online, I know there are good reasons to be careful about joining programs like this.
So before deciding to join or not, keep reading and then at least you know what warnings signs to look out for and can make a decision based on more knowledge and not just on hope and emotions.
Recommended: Read about my #1 recommendation for making money online instead
Can 30 minutes daily online really make you rich?
Let me first make it clear – it is definitely possible to make really good money by working online.
So you should not give up on this, as it can give a huge amount of freedom to work like this, and if you learn to do it the right way and legitimately, it has huge potentials.
However, if you want to make money online, because you think it is super easy, and you can become rich without any work, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is one of the myths about making money online.
There are of course rare cases where somebody might get lucky and become rich online without any work and very fast. But it is kind of like the lottery – it might happen, but you should probably not plan your life around it.
Like any other kind of business, it takes time and effort to make money online and start an online business. You should not expect to become rich by just working 30 minutes per day.

Do not expect to be able to become rich by just working 30 minutes per day.
And you should also not expect to make $2000 already your first day, as Shelly claims she did, when she found the secret websites. This is simply just not realistic in most cases, and if you are chasing opportunities like this, you will probably end up losing a lot of money on programs that promise you can become rich overnight, but they are the ones making money on your dreams without giving you any real opportunities.
Even the disclaimer on 30 Minute Money Methods’ website says that it takes work to make money online:

The 30 Minute Money Methods’ disclaimer reveals there is no guarantee for making money with the program.
So as you can see, even though it might at first sound like 30 Minute Money Methods guarantees you can make this kind of money, they do actually not, if you read the disclaimer (which can be found in a very small link at the bottom of the website).
What does it cost to join 30 Minute Money Methods?
So even though Shelly in the video says 30 Minute Money Methods does not have a start up cost to start making money, this is not entirely true.
Towards the ending of the video, you are told there is a small starting fee, and you can see it by joining. This cost is $37. In a comment on the website, Shelly also makes it clear that there are no hidden costs after this:

Shelly claims there is no hidden costs after you join.
So this means you could get access to the system for only $37, which is a very good price, if you can make the money it claims. However, Shelly is not honest about the costs, so you can then wonder what other claims are not true.
I know this because 30 Minute Money Methods has an affiliate program, where website owners can get a commission to promote the program, and since I have a website, I could potentially do this (however I am not, as I am only promoting programs I truly recommend).
When you look at how this affiliate program is presented, you can see that people promoting it can make up to $139 per sale.

The info about the 30 Minute Money Methods affiliate program reveals there will be a lot of upsells after you join.
So you can figure out that if people that promotes 30 Minute Money Methods can get a commission of up to $139, there will be some upsells after you join. So it is clear that you should not expect the selling to stop once you have paid $37 joining fee – in my opinion this is dishonest and a clear red flag.
If you still decide to join, there is however a way for you to get a $10 discount. You just simply try to close the browser window where the website is open. A pop-up will then ask you, if you really want to leave. If you say no, you will stay on the site and get a new screen offering you a $10 discount.
It can still end up costing you a lot more to join, but then at least you will safe $10 when first joining.
But before deciding to join, let us go over the red flags you need to consider.
The red flags you need to know
I have already mentioned several red flags that in my opinion should make you careful about joining 30 Minute Money Methods. But let’s us go over some more and sum up the ones I have already mentioned, to give you a full overview.
Below you can find a short video where I show you these warning signs, so you can see for yourself. Below the video you can find more details and also read about all the warning signs, if you prefer this instead if watching the video:
Claims you can become rich in no time:
When looking into making money online this is one of the most important and biggest red flags. 30 Minute Money Methods claims it is very easy and fast to make money online.

The program claims it is very easy to make a lot of money online, which is a big red flag.
You should be very skeptical about any program that claims you can become rich online in no time and by doing no work. Would you believe if anybody told you about an offline job opportunity like this? Probably not, and it is the same online. You have to make an effort to make an income.
If you are willing to make an effort, you can however get a lot of freedom by working online, and it can give a really good income. But not without work. Any program that claims this, is a program you should be careful about joining.
Only accepts limited members:
Shelly claims she only accepts a few new members, so you have to act right away to join. She even says not to ask your wife, husband, friends, or anybody else, because then the site might be done, when you come back.

Claiming only to accept a few new members is just a way to get you to sign up quickly.
This is a trick to get you to sign up right away before thinking about it. Do not worry about it and take your time. The site has been there for several years already. And if you should end up missing the “opportunity”, it might even be your luck.
Hidden fees:
In my opinion it is very dishonest when a program clearly promise that there is just a small joining fee, and then once you are a member, there will be a very clever sales funnel, where you will be pushed to spend more money.
As I have already shown above, you should not expect the only cost to be $37. And if Shelly is dishonest about this, will you trust the other things she claims? I definitely will not, and for me these hidden upsells are a clear red flag.
No real info about the owner:
When I cannot find any real information about the owner of a program, I become suspicious. It is not enough for me to just hear a generic name and a voice. This proves nothing, and for me it is a clear red flag and warning sign, when you cannot any real info about who is behind a certain program.
The testimonial are exaggerated:
There are several video testimonials in the presentation video of 30 Minute Money Methods. These can be convincing, but in my opinion they do not seem natural. They are too exaggerated, and they sound like they are reading a script.
I am not saying this is the case, but in general you should be careful about blindly believing testimonials like this. It is not difficult to for example buy video testimonials. You can for example buy one on fiveer for just $5.

Example of how easy it is to buy video testimonials.
I am not saying that this is what 30 Minute Money Methods has done, as I have no proof of this. I am just showing this to make you aware that testimonials are not always true, and you should in general be careful when the testimonials sound too much like a script or sound too exaggerated.
So in my opinion there are many red flags, when it comes to 30 Minute Money Methods. You need to be aware of these before deciding to join or not.
Are there any legit ways of making money online?
As already mentioned, it is definitely possible to make money online, and it is also something everybody can learn.
Before starting this, there is however one thing that is very important for you to think about – are you willing to make and effort and work?
If that is the case there are great opportunities to make good money online and get the freedom to work whenever and wherever you want.
But if you expect to become rich overnight and expect you just need to find the secret, and then you will become rich without making any effort, you will very likely end up falling for online scams that can cost you a lot of money.
I have personally had great success by following the step-by-step training at the learning platform Wealthy Affiliate, and this is my top recommend way to learn to make money online. It teaches you everything you need to know about building a legit and sustainable income online, and it has step-by-step training programs for all levels. It even has a free starter membership, so you can test what it has to offer, before you decide, if that is the route you want to take.
==>Click to read more about Wealthy Affiliate and what it has to offer<==
Final thoughts
It is clear by now that 30 Minute Money Methods is not a program I recommend. But let’s sum up the pros and cons to give you a better overview.
- N/A
- Dishonest about costs
- Exaggerated claims
- Promise it is easy to make money online
- No real info about owner
- Uses pushy tricks to get you to sign up right away
I can honesty not find any pros of the 30 Minute Money Methods program. There are in my opinion however a lot of cons and red flags.
For that reason, it is a program I think you should be very careful about joining. If you are serious about wanting to create a legit online income, I would instead encourage you to check out my top recommended learning platform.
If you have any comments, any questions, or have any experiences with 30 Minute Money Methods yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.
Man I really hate the hidden fees. Since it just shows that it is not genuine and they try getting as much as money as possible. I actually had experience with such programs and I have been never satisfied with any of them. After reading this I will avoid this program.
I also hate programs with hidden fees – it is such a sneaky way to get people in and then the upsells just keep coming. Great to hear you will be careful about the 30 Minute Money Methods.
All the best,
Wow I’m glad I read this article. I have been trying to make money online for years now. Joined so many crazy program with so much hype “who wants to make 10kper month and the next 30days with our push button system no experience”.
It’s like it never ends. Thanks for the sharing the warning signs. A lot people should know this before joining any program. We have to do our homework, so I will start by checking out that article you got on wealthy affiliate.
Yes it is amazing how many programs with this kind of promises there are – and new one keeps coming up. And you are very right that the signs I here show do not only apply for 30 Minute Money Methods – any program with similar promises is one to be careful about in my opinion.
All the best,