I just came across a program called Pay It Forward System that claims it can help you make $6k per week through affiliate marketing.
The creator of this program is a so-called Danielle Rose, and she claims that she has a money generating website that she is willing to share with you so you can earn that kind of money every week.
It’s an enticing offer that may have caught your attention when you visited their website, but since there are lots of scam programs now on the web, you want to be sure that this program can deliver on its promise.
Well, you’ve come to the right place because in this Pay It Forward System review, I will share with you all the info I got about this program.
I’m sure that my review will provide you some insights and some essential details about this program, so you’ll know if this is the right program for you or not.
Honestly, there are some important things you really need to know about before joining!
Let’s start.
Pay It Forward System in a Glimpse
Pay It Forward System is a program that claims it can help you make $6k per week through affiliate marketing.
The creator of this program is a so-called Danielle Rose, and she claims that she has a money generating website that she is willing to share with you so you can earn that kind of money every week.
As for me, I cannot recommend this program because it has several major red flags that, in my opinion, makes it a risky investment to take.
The most significant red flag for me is the fact that Pay It Forward System is just a funnel page for My Super Affiliate Mentor because it’s considered NOT a stand-alone program like they want you to believe in their sales page.
That is why I urge you to look for other great opportunities online that can truly provide you the results you deserve.
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What is Pay It Forward System and what does it offer?
The first time I visited the Pay It Forward System’s site, I immediately became skeptical because it looks identical to the other programs I have reviewed in the past.
In fact, you can see an attention-grabbing header that contains Danielle Rose’s claim on how she made $226,478 in the past 3 months using her so-called revolutionary system.

You can see more or less the same header text on other programs.
She also claims that you don’t need any experience or special skills to succeed in her program, because her system will do the heavy lifting for you. And most importantly, you can set up everything in less than 20 minutes.
Danielle wants you to believe that her system is your ticket to financial freedom, so all you need to do is just wait till the income flows directly into your account.
Honestly, these claims are too unrealistic, and this type of marketing tactic is not new, because it’s done to keep you peeled on their video and lure you closer into their program.
In my opinion, she is promoting an automated system, and she’s making an impression that it will do all the tasks for you. But you also need to understand the fact that these types of systems are not sustainable in the long run.
Based on my research, I found out that Danielle wants you to copy-paste her so-called successful site so you too can make a lot of money online using her template.
This could be very appealing, but there are a lot of things you need to know from their sales page, and there are many details that she is NOT sharing with you, and you need to know all these details before making any decision.
Pay It Forward System Red flags
For most people who want to make money online, earning $6K per week is really a promising offer, and many have yearned to earn that kind of money online within the least possible time.
Although it’s very different in real life because you always need to invest time, effort and patience before you can reach the results that you’re hoping to get.
As an affiliate marketer myself, I can assure you that there are NO shortcuts or secret systems that can help you create a sustainable income online.
It definitely is possible to make good money online and also to learn as a complete newbie. But there is just no secret system that will make it happen overnight and do all the work for you.
This is the main reason why I wrote this review because I want to share with you some of the red flags I have uncovered from the Pay It Forward System sales page.
I’m sure that this review will shed some light on what this program offers and what you can expect from it if you decide to join it.
Here are several of the significant red flags that I think you should know about before you make your final decision.
Red flag #1 – This program is just a sales page for My Super Affiliate Mentor
Based on their sale video, you’ll soon find out that Pay It Forward System is not exactly a stand-alone system, but a funnel page for “My Super Affiliate Mentor.”

This program is just a funnel page for My Super Affiliate Mentor.
As you can see on their video, Danielle is showing a check that references My Super Affiliate Mentor, which is another program that was created way back in 2015.
However, the business model that My Super Affiliate Mentor is using is very different from what they have presented on the sales page of the Pay It Forward System because in this system you need to recruit a lot of people to make money online.
In fact, it has several high-ticket products that you need to buy, and you need to encourage your recruits to buy these expensive products in order for you to earn the big commissions.
In my opinion, these types of marketing tactics are unethical and are usually created to take advantage of beginners and those who are looking for a fast way to make money online.
You should take this red flag seriously before you decide to join this program.
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Red flag #2 – They are using fake testimonials
Another significant red flag that I’ve uncovered from the Pay It Forward System’s website is the testimonials from their so-called successful customers.
I was a bit skeptical when I saw the people in their testimonials because I recognized some of these folks from other programs like Inbox Income, which I reviewed before.
Honestly, these so-called members are just freelancers from Fiverr, and they are being paid to impersonate their members, which means this program is using fake testimonials.

They are using Fiverr actors on their testimonials.
In my opinion, this is a breach of trust and an underhanded tactic to make you believe that there are people making money using their system.
Just think about it, if Pay It Forward System can really deliver on its promise, then they can easily get a genuine testimonial from real members and NOT just testimonials from freelancers.
I hope you take this red flag into consideration before you decide to purchase this program.
Red flag #3 – Danielle is NOT the real owner of this program
Based on their sales video, the supposed owner and creator is Danielle Rose, but when you search for any reference or contact details of her on the site – there is none!
I even tried to conduct a background check on the web, but I can’t find any proof that would convince me that Danielle Rose is connected with Pay It Forward System as the owner.
Honestly, it’s quite frustrating when the real owners of a program choose to hide their true identity to the public because it seems they don’t want you to contact them in case you encounter some issues with their program.
In my opinion, the real owners of this program should have been more transparent in revealing their true identities and if Danielle was really the owner she should have provided you with contact details since this is a good way building a good reputation and it will also move their prospects closer to their program.
But that is NOT the case with Pay It Forward System, because they seem to have chosen to be anonymous, so you don’t really know who you are dealing with in this program.
Are you willing to join a program even if you don’t even know who the real owners are?
Although I’m not accusing this program as an outright scam, I’m just wondering why the owners would hide themselves from their members and prospects since this will only lead to suspicions that they cannot deliver on their promise.
This is another red flag to consider before you make the final decision.
Red flag #4 – Their legal pages redirects to an error page
Another major red flag on their sales page can be found at the bottom of their sales page where you can see their disclaimer, terms, refund, and privacy policy.

If you click their legal pages, you’ll be redirected to an error page.
These legal pages are important because it will show you the guidelines and policies that this program adheres to, but this is NOT the case with Pay It Forward System because their legal pages redirect to an error page.
This only means that you will not be able to access these legal pages, and you will not know their policies because it seems they are NOT interested in fixing their legal pages.
In my opinion, if they really want to make an impression that they are a legit and trustworthy company, then they should have working legal pages section on their site.
Just think about it, how can they help you make $6k per week when they can’t even fix the links on their legal pages?
That is why I urge you to consider this as a major red flag because this error on their page will already provide you a glimpse on what you can expect with Pay It Forward System.
Red flag #5 – They are using a fake CNN interview
On their video, there’s a section where it seems Danielle is being interviewed on CNN, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that the entire interview is a bit off because they cut away the part when she talks back to the CNN host.
I became curious, so I did my own research and found the same interview on YouTube, but the weird part is the person being interviewed on CNN is NOT Danielle.

They are using a manipulated CNN interview on their sales video.
This is a clear proof that they are manipulating the video to make you think that Danielle is the one being interviewed on CNN.
In my opinion, the reason why they are doing this underhanded marketing tactic is to give you an impression that Pay It Forward System is a popular program and they are hoping to convince you to join their program.
This is another major red flag because it seems they are willing to do anything just to sell their product to you.
Final verdict – legit or scam?
I now provided you with all the hidden details and red flags that I had uncovered when I did my own research about this program. I’m sure that you are now more than capable of making an informed decision about this program.
So, is Pay It Forward System a scam or your ticket to financial freedom?
Honestly, it all depends on your own perspective and experience, because if you see any value in the claims and promises that they have shown you on their sales page, then it’s NOT a scam for you.
But you must also consider some of the red flags that I have discussed on this review before joining this program because it will give you an overview of what you’re getting into and the potential risks and benefits that you might acquire if you decide to join this program.
To help you more in your decision-making process, here are the pros and cons of this program.
- None
- This program is just a sales page for My Super Affiliate Mentor
- They are using fake testimonials
- Danielle is NOT the real owner of this program
- Their legal pages redirect to an error page
- They are marketing this program as an automated system
- Manipulating CNN footage to make it look like they were in the news
As for me, I cannot recommend this program because it has several major red flags that, in my opinion, makes it a risky investment to take.
The most significant red flag for me is the fact that Pay It Forward System is just a funnel page for My Super Affiliate Mentor because it’s considered NOT a stand-alone program like they want you to believe in their sales page.
Also, there are lots of details that you are not told like who the real owners of this program are and how their system works under the hood.
They are also promoting this program as an automated system and based on my experience as an affiliate marketer since these systems are NOT sustainable in the long run. In fact, automated systems cannot help you acquire the skills you need to move forward on your online career.
You also need to understand that you must invest time, effort and a bit of patience because you can’t be a millionaire overnight – it takes time before you can achieve the results that you’re hoping to get.
That is why I urge you to look for other great opportunities online that can truly provide you the results that you deserve.
How I make a living online
I have personally created a sustainable income online that now allows me to work anywhere I want, and I can also work completely on my own terms.
Although you need to understand that you still need to invest some time and effort, but it’s all worth it.
If you want to follow my system and how I created my own full-time income online, then you can check out my FREE guide, where I will share with you all the essential steps you need to take to get started in affiliate marketing.
If you have any questions, comments, or have any feedback with Pay It Forward System, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.