is wealth project a scam headerIf you’re one of those people who has come across Wealth Project and you saw the amazing earnings claim they have posted on their sales page, then you might be wondering if this is possible or not.

First of all, let me congratulate you on doing a bit of investigation because as a consumer it’s your obligation to exercise due diligence before making your final decision.

Honestly, there are so many scam sites on the web and it’s important that you find an online opportunity that is both ethical and can provide you with a decent income online.

You may be asking yourself now, is Wealth Project a scam?

Before you answer that question let me first share with you some of the details I found about this system.

Wealth Project at a Glance
  • Training
  • Tools
  • Value for Money
  • Income Potential


Wealth Project is a system that claims it can provide people the opportunity to make $17,520 per week even if they don’t have any experience or skills in online marketing.

However, it’s unclear from their sales video that what they are really selling is actually a training program about affiliate marketing in Amazon.

I don’t recommend this program because it has several red flags and joining it, in my opinion, can be risky, so I would suggest that you find other affiliate marketing opportunities that could provide you with the results you’re looking for.

Although, I would like to reiterate that affiliate marketing is a legitimate opportunity but you’ll need to invest your time, effort and you should have the right mindset to succeed in it.

Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online Instead

What is Wealth Project and what does it offer?

Based on the narrator, James Robertson, this is a system that claims it can provide people the opportunity to make $17,520 per week even if they don’t have any experience or skills in online marketing.

James also claims that he made thousands of dollars in his first week using this system, although he didn’t show any proof of his earnings or photos of other successful members.

He also said that this system is designed for beginners, because it’s easy to set up and you can do it in under 30 minutes using 21 clicks.

wealth project no previous experience required

You supposedly don’t need any previous experience in affiliate marketing to join this program.

Therefore, this system promises that you can make money fast and easy, which is something common in various make money online site that I have reviewed in the past.

Wealth Project Warning signs

Usually, if a program promises you to make millions overnight then it falls under the category of get-rich-quick schemes which is plaguing the internet today.

That’s why when I first watched their sales video, I was surprised that it was short and focuses more on people and the amount of money they make in the first two weeks after joining the program.

Rather than explaining the features of their system and how it works under the hood, they opted to show the rewards which are a bit one-sided.

In my opinion, it’s hard to believe that people can achieve that if they don’t have any experience or technical know-how in making money online.

It feels like James is over-hyping the benefits of joining their program, so I made it a point to delve deeper into their system and look for warning signs that I can share with people like you.

Here are some of the warnings I’ve uncovered on their site.

Warning sign #1 – There is no detailed information on how the system works

It’s clear on their sales video, that James isn’t excited to share the details of his system and how it works.

He doesn’t even tell you what you need to do to replicate the steps the other so-called successful members took when they made the kind of money he claimed on the sales video.  

Although it’s clear that this is nothing to do with cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and paid surveys. However, he said that this system will require 32 members working together to make this system work.

It seems he is talking about MLM, but it’s actually more about affiliate marketing because it’s actually a PDF training on how to earn money as an Amazon affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model where you promote products and services of other people and you become their affiliate.

This means that you will most likely be promoting products on Amazon and you will make money through the commissions you receive once people buy the products via your affiliate link.

However, the problem I see with this program is the lack of information on what you need to do and how you will succeed as an affiliate on Amazon.

Recommended: Click to See How to Learn Proper Affiliate Marketing

Warning sign #2 – Is it possible to earn $17,520 per week using the Wealth Project system?

The main concern I have with this program is that it’s NOT beginner-friendly, because once you signed-up and receive the PDF training, you will only get a basic training of becoming an Amazon affiliate according to what I have been able to find out from my research.

wealth project members dashboard

Wealth Project members’ dashboard

They will teach you how to choose a niche, create a website and make money online through commissions on Amazon, which is quite generic.

You will not learn any groundbreaking system that will put you above other Amazon affiliates, so the PDF they provide will most likely not be enough to grow your career in affiliate marketing and you will NOT be able to make $17,520 per week in my opinion.

Warning sign #3 – Who exactly is James Robertson?

The real identity of James Robertson will remain a mystery since there are no pictures or reference of him on their sales page or video.

wealth project james robertson

The so-called owner of Wealth Project is James Robertson.

The only information we have of his claims that he is an online expert, writer, researcher and the founder and creator of Wealth Project. However, all these are not verified because he has no face on the sales page.

How will you believe the earning claims in a program when you don’t know who the real owner is?

In my opinion, this is a big red flag since you’re not sure how to contact him or how to get in touch with the creator when you encounter an issue or problem with his system.

Warning sign #4 – Is $37 enough or are there any hidden costs?

Another warning sign that I would like to point out is the real cost of this program since James is not transparent enough to provide any info on the upsells waiting for you once you sign up to his program.


According to James, the Wealth Project will only cost you $37.

He said that his system will only cost $37 and there are no hidden charges, but all this is not true because there are several upsells waiting for you on the inside.

If you check their affiliate program, you will see that they offer up to $355 per conversion or sale of their product, which means you can expect that there will be upsells after your initial purchase.

wealth project affiliate referral

They are offering their affiliates $355 per successful referral.

This could also be the reason why you can see several one-sided reviews on the web about this product. Since some of those reviewers are affiliates of this program, you can expect that they will hide the red flags.

In my opinion, spending more on various upgrades so you can move forward on a program is not the best option to take, especially if you’re just starting on a particular online venture like affiliate marketing.

Although paying can potentially make sense, but it can be risky to keep buying upgrades from a program that is not transparent about the pricing because you never know what to expect and when the upsells will stop.

If the basic training is good, there is a chance the upgrades will also be, but the big thing here is to look at how transparent they are. And it’s clear right from the very start, that they are not transparent especially if we’re going to base all the info from their sales video.

Warning sign #5 – There is no income disclaimer on their sales page

How can they claim that you can easily make $17,520 per week using their automated system, but forgot or neglected to create an income disclaimer on their site?

wealth project money on autopilot

James is claiming that he is earning $7,280 on autopilot.

It’s really ironic for a program to promise people that they can earn a lot of money in a short period of time but fail to guarantee the success of their prospects.

This is the reason why it’s important to always check the income disclaimer of a program like Wealth Project because you will know from their income disclaimer if they can really guarantee your success.

In reality, there’s in my experience NO such thing as shortcuts or special quick fixes in affiliate marketing. It’s a legitimate online opportunity that will require you to invest your time, effort and a bit of your patience to succeed.

A sales page without an income disclaimer is another big red flag to me and you should always consider that before making your final decision.

Final verdict – legit or scam?

Now is the time to answer your question regarding this program. Is Wealth Project a scam?

I would say it’s not entirely a scam since there is a 60-day money back guarantee and it’s currently sold on ClickBank, which is a legit affiliate marketplace.

However, your answer will really depend on your perspective. If you think that you’re getting value for your money since they will provide you with a training document, then you might consider that it’s not a scam.

Although, if you based your answer to all warning signs, I have shared with you on this review then you might decide that it’s not the best online opportunity that you should get on.

To help you more in your decision making, here is an overview of my review:


  • It has a 60-day money back guaranteepros
  • It’s based on affiliate marketing which is a legitimate business model



  • The system is not well-explained by its creatorcons
  • You’re not sure if James Robertson is really the owner of this program
  • The program is based on affiliate marketing, which requires proper training so it’s not as easy as they claim it to be
  • There’s no income disclaimer on their site
  • The earning claims on their sales video cannot be verified

As for me, I don’t recommend this product because of the significant red flags I’ve uncovered when I did my own investigation.

I’m not saying that it’s a complete scam, but I think you should consider all these warning signs before making your final decision.

I would also suggest that you look somewhere else to find a better and more decent way of making money online.

But wait, there’s a better alternative.

If you want to earn a decent income online, then you need to understand that it will take time before you can succeed in any online endeavor like affiliate marketing, because you need to learn the ins and outs of this venture.

There’s no magical way of making money online using a loophole or a system that is not yet proven on the market. But it’s possible to earn a passive income online through affiliate marketing.

If you’re really interested in learning affiliate marketing, I suggest that you check out my FREE guide that will lay out the essential steps I took when I was just a newbie affiliate.

I know from personal experience that the steps work as I have created a full-time income by following them.

I still use these methods now, since it’s still the most effective way of doing affiliate marketing, so make sure to check out the guide through the link above to create a great start for yourself.


If you have any feedback, comments or experience with Wealth Project, I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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