is oproswho a scam review headerAt first, seems like a very easy way to make money online.

But is Oproswho a scam or really as great as it claims?

I decided to put it to the test and joined to see what it really offers.

Let me just reveal right away that I found some BIG warning signs you definitely need to know about before joining.

This Oproswho review will give you an inside look and all the details so you know exactly what to expect and what to be careful of before joining.

Oproswho at a Glance
  • Training
  • Tools
  • Income potential


If I could give less than 1 star, Oproswho would get zero.

I can honestly not see any pros of The only slightly positive thing I can say is that at least it is free to join. But that does not really matter if you will end up wasting your time and potentially the time of people you invite.

Overall, there are just too many inconsistencies and red flags when it comes to Oproswho, in my opinion, and it is, therefore, a platform I do definitely NOT recommend spending any time on.

If you want to make money online there are many legit ways but you need to know that it takes time and effort to build a good online income and any platform that promises a lot of quick money with minimum effort is one to be careful about.

Click to See My #1 Recommended Way to Make Money Online

What is and what does it offer? is supposedly a website where you can get paid to evaluate if online content is fresh or not.

It is all very simple – you just sign up and you can then help them evaluate content.

It only takes a few seconds to look at the content and decide if it is fresh or not. For this, you will earn from $2.90 to $3.77 per piece of content you review.

There will be 38 pages you can review per day which means you could potentially earn at least $110,2 per day and a total of $551 per week.

oproswho earning claim

You can supposedly earn $110.20 per day.

With the small effort this takes, this would definitely be very easy money and something everyone supposedly can do no matter where you live.

BUT before getting too excited, make sure to read the rest of this review because I found some big problems with these earning claims as I will share later.

In addition to earning by reviewing content, you can supposedly also earn by using their affiliate program and that way earn by referring other people to the site.

They claim you will get $60 per person you invite.

If you are not familiar with affiliate marketing, let me just explain that it definitely is possible to make good money by referring people to services and products you recommend.

But again there are some big issues with the claims Oproswho makes that should make you very suspicious, in my opinion.

So let’s now go into the issues I have mentioned several times and look at them in detail.

5 BIG red flags revealed

I most say that if Oproswho could really deliver what it promises, it would, without a doubt, be one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money online.

I would definitely be using it myself – however, there are a lot of reasons I will definitely NOT be using it after having tested it and looked deeper into it.

So let me show you exactly what I found so you can see and judge for yourself.

Red flag #1 – The earning method is unrealistic

The earning method on Oproswho seems very appealing and easy at first if you are new to making money online – the problem is just that it is completely unrealistic.

You are told that Oproswho uses an algorithm they have developed to filter pages with content that is not fresh and lowers them in the search results.

The way you get paid to help with this is to just look at a small piece of content and judge if it is fresh or not fresh.

oproswho task example

You just have to judge if the content is fresh or not.

For anyone that has ever worked with traffic through search engines (something I am doing full-time myself), this is a ridiculous claim.

First of all, Oproswho is basically claiming they have the power to affect the search results on Google and other search engines but judging if the content is fresh or not with their simple method.

So they want us to believe that a small website like theirs with very little content and that looks quite unprofessional is integrated with a company like Google that has more than 100,000 employees and has some of the smartest engineers in the world working on their algorithms.

This in itself is completely unrealistic, in my opinion.

In addition to this, as you can see in the image above, you do not really get any content to judge.

You just get a few sentences and from that, you have to say if it is fresh content or not.

It is impossible to say this based on two short sentences without any other context or knowledge about the topics.

The whole idea that judging tiny pieces of random content like this should have an effect on the search results is just NOT realistic.

Finally, the pay per task is also completely unrealistic.

Earning a minimum of $2.9 per task that only takes a few seconds will just not happen.

I must say that you will get the earnings into your Oproswho account which might make you believe you are actually earning.

oproswho earning example

You will get the earnings into your Oproswho account – this does NOT mean you can get them out.

However, this does not mean you will ever be able to actually get your earnings out which is what really matters.

And there are good reasons to doubt this will ever happen as I will go more into detail about later.

Recommended: See How I Make $6K+ Online Every Month

Red flag #2 – The referral program will NOT work

After having tested, it quickly became clear to me that the real goal of the company is to get you to promote it to other people and get more users.

The reason I am saying this is that they try to convince you that you will actually get $60 per person you invite. And it is displayed even right below the content you are judging.

oproswho referral program

They really want you to invite other people.

First of all, a platform that is completely free will never pay you $60 per person just to invite them.

There definitely are legit affiliate programs where you can make good money by referring people to products and services you recommend.

But you will not get that much just to get a person to sign up for a free platform without any further demands. That is just not realistic and would not be a viable business model for Oproswho and it would quickly go out of business.

This seems mostly like an exaggerated claim just to get you to invite a lot of other people so they can get more members and more data from members.

And even if you do want to invite other people, it will not be easy. A network like Facebook, for example, will not allow you to share links to Oproswho because it does not meet their community standards.

oproswho blocked on facebook

Facebook will block links from Oproswho.

So that is another red flag to be aware of and that shows you should not spend time on inviting other people, in my opinion.

Red flag #3 – No legal pages

When you join Oproswho, you have to give your email.

But once you are inside, you also have to update your profile with payout details to supposedly get your earnings out.

minimum payout information

You have to give details about your payment methods but they do not have any legal pages.

You have to give your number for your Visa card, MasterCard, PayPal, or Payza account.

That is some very sensitive information.

Of course, any platform that will pay you need this info but the problem with Oproswho, in my opinion, is that you do not know what they will do with the information.

Any platform that gathers personal information like this needs to have legal pages explaining exactly what they will do with it.

But there is no privacy policy or anything else like this to be found anywhere on

This means you have no idea what they will do with your personal info which is another big red flag.

Red flag# 4 – Suspicious payout conditions

As already mentioned, when you review content on Oproswho or invite people, you will see money going into your Oproswho account.

But that does not really mean anything unless you can actually get them out.

And there are some very suspicious things about the payout conditions.

minimum payout oproswho

The payout threshold is suspiciously high.

You cannot get your earnings out until you have earned at least $970.

This is an extremely high payout threshold and I have personally never seen this high a payout threshold on any online earning platform that is actually intending to pay you.

Having this high a payout threshold means you will have to invite a lot of people before being able to test if you can actually get paid.

Don’t you think that if it really was such a great way to earn, they would make it possible for you to withdraw earlier to prove it really was legit?

Also, they do not display any payout proof on the site at all and I was not able to find any real payout prove anywhere online.

In fact, I instead found a YouTube video showing that after reaching the payout threshold, she simply got a message saying that she needed to rate 8 more pages to get the earnings out.

oproswho payout rejected

It seems that when you finally reach the payout threshold there are suddenly more demands.

Once she did this, it suddenly said she had to rate another 87 pages to be able to withdraw her earnings.

When you put all this together, it just does not seem likely that you will ever be able to get your earnings out and therefore you will have wasted your time and potentially the time of any people you have invited as well.

Red flag #5 – No info about the company behind

I think there already is enough info to judge whether Oproswho is for you or not.

But just want to mention one more thing that is also important to consider.

On Oproswho, you can not find any real information about the company.

There is no information about when it was founded, where it is located, who the owners are, and there are no contact information.

Not being able to find any information like this means you do not have any way of verifying anything about the company.

And a website that does not have any information like this available is definitely one to be careful about, in my experience.

Final verdict

At first, Oproswho seems like a very fast and easy way to make good money online.

After looking a bit deeper, it, however, quickly becomes clear it is full of big red flags that should make you consider twice before joining, in my opinion.

But let’s finish by summing up the pros and cons so you can get a better overview before making your decision.


  • None



  • Unrealistic earning method
  • Unrealistic earning claims
  • No proof of payment
  • No information about the owner
  • No legal pages

I can honestly not see any pros of The only slightly positive thing I can say is that at least it is free to join. But that does not really matter if you will end up wasting your time and potentially the time of people you invite.

Overall, there are just too many inconsistencies and red flags when it comes to Oproswho, in my opinion, and it is, therefore, a platform I do definitely NOT recommend spending any time on.

If you want to make money online there are many legit ways but you need to know that it takes time and effort to build a good online income and any platform that promises a lot of quick money with minimum effort is one to be careful about.

How I make a living online

If you are looking for a different way of building an online income, there are luckily many options online today.

Personally, I have been able to create a full-time online income that now allows me to work completely on my own terms.

It takes some effort but it is totally worth it.

If you want to follow my footsteps and create your own online income, then check out my FREE guide where I explain how this is possible step-by-step.

You can even get started with these steps as a complete beginner.


If you have any questions, comments, or have any experience with yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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