If you have been looking for an easy way to make money online, you have maybe heard about CFD Society.
It might sounds like a great opportunity, but is CFD Society a scam or a legit and fast way to earn a passive income?
This is something you definitely need to know before joining.
This CFD Society review, will you what the site is really offering, what you have to be careful about, and you will learn some warning signs you need to know before you decide to join or not.
By knowing the details about CFD Society before joining, you will easily be able to decide for yourself, if it is worth the investment for you.
CFD Society at a Glance
CFD Society claims you can learn to make a lot of money with no effort, and do this by working only 15 minutes a day.
It sounds nice, but the site is full of warning signs that you should be careful about investing any money. In reality, it is a binary trading tool and it is not free as you are first told and it can be quite risky.
A real deal breaker for me is that they use fake testimonials as it is not a good sign they could not get any real ones. Also, the image of the owner is a stock photo and you do not know who is behind the platform.
Therefore, it is NOT a platform I recommend and if you want to make money online I would suggest you look for other options instead.
What is CFD Society and what does it offer?
When you first come to the CFD Society website, it is very difficult to find out what it is actually offering just by looking at the website. There are not many details about it, other than it is a signaling trading system, where you can make a lot of money without much effort.
The first thing you will see is a presentation video. This video gives a lot of information about what you can expect by joining, and the video is basically the only information, you can get before you enter your email to join.
So let me just go through a few of the main points the video claims CFD Society will offer you and then after that go into some details you are NOT told in the video you also need to consider before joining:
Feature 1 – Complete access to the CFD trading signaling system:
The big thing you supposedly will get access to if you join CFD Society is a trading signaling system.
There are not many details about what kind of trades it can help you with. But from the way it is explained and from seeing what comes after the presentation video, it looks very much like a system to trade binary options.
Binary options is a way where you can earn money by guessing if for example a certain currency increase and decreases in value.
Already back in 2010, Forbes warned against binary options and said it was a dangerous way to gamble. It is, however, still a popular way to try to make money, as it is very simple and some people are also making money with it.
What CFD Society’s system claims to help you with is to make the right choices, so it will be possible for you to make money this way, even if you have no trading experience at all.
A system like this sounds like a gold mine, right? Well, before getting too excited you need to know some more background about CFD Society to be able to see if you think it can really deliver on its promises.
Feature 2 – Complete control over your financial future:
By using the CFD Society trading signaling system, you should be able to get complete control over your financial future.
The presentation video explains that it is the only system that can make you over $5000 a month this easily, and because of this, you never have to worry about money again. You will even be able to do this from anywhere, as all it takes is internet access and around 20 minutes a day.
This sounds like a dream to many people, but as I will explain later, it might very well just be a dream to be able to make money this easily on this system.
Feature 3 – Part of an exclusive inner circle:
There are supposedly only 100 spots left for people who want to join. The video says that it is not for members that just want to get rich overnight, but only for people that are serious. So if that is you, you will get access to an inner circle that gets access to the signaling trading tool.

There are supposedly only 100 available spots.
Becoming a part of a smaller exclusive group that gets access to a tool that can make you a lot of money sounds very appealing. But once again, do not get too excited about these statements before you have read the rest of this review.
Feature 4 – No risk:
CFD Society’s system is supposedly completely risk-free. The case study shown in the video shows that there is a 97% success rate.
Also, according to the video, it does not cost anything to join CFD Society.
It is true that it does not cost anything to enter your email and go to the next step, but do not think that it means you can start earning without any investment, which I will explain next.
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What happens after you join?
Your first step at CFD Society is to watch the video on the website and decide if this sounds like something for you.
I have a lot of experience with online marketing and have seen many online tricks, so I did definitely not think it sounded like something for me because of the warning signs, I will show you below.
However, I decided to still give my email to get to the next step and see what would happen and to be able to give more information in this review.
So what happens once you give your email?
You get to a “member” site, where you can watch another video that explains the next step. You can also see a kind of demo of the signaling tool and a lot of great results from other members.
This next video reveals more about what you need to do, to be able to make money on CFD Society. There is a reason that you first watch a video that shows you a lot of great examples and promises a lot before you get to a video that tells you the cost.
Before you are told the cost, you are first told that the average earnings of a member are $60,000, and as this is an average, you are more or less guaranteed to make this kind of money, and you can very likely make more.
You are also told that you better learn to dance because that is what you will do, every time you earn money from this fail-proof signaling system.
Now, after you are really excited, you will be told again that it is free to use the tool, BUT there is a minimum recommended investment of $250.
Remember that this is a trading tool, so you have to invest something to be able to earn. Before you decide if it is worth this investment, let me show you the warning signs I have hinted at a few times already.
You need to know these before making any decisions about making any investments at CFD Society.
CDF Society red flags you need to know
When you look for ways to make money online, you need to be careful.
There are definitely ways that are legit and can make you good money online, but there are unfortunately many more ways where you will end up losing your money instead.
I have been in the online marketing world for years, and have tested a lot of sites, so I am aware of many of the warning signs that show you have to be careful about a site.
The warning signs you have to consider before joining CFD Society are:
Red flag #1 – Fake picture of the owner:
On CFD Society’s website and in the video, you can see a big picture of Chris Chase, who is the owner and inventor of this trading signaling system. It is nice to see who is actually behind a website, and it builds trust.

Chris is the supposed owner of CFD Society.
The problem is just that it is not really a picture of the owner. I know this because I ran the picture of him through an image recognition tool, and I found the exact same image several other places online.

The image of “Chris” shows up on MANY other sites online.
It is a stock photo that can be bought, and among others, the picture is also used on an America phone company’s website as a client testimonial from a Martin Lorrenso, it is used on a Canadian loaning website as a client testimonial from a Carlos D., and it is used on an American online article directory as the picture of an author named John Robert.
When a fake picture is used to represent the owner of a company, it is something that worries me, and in my opinion, this is a sign a site has something to hide.
Do you really want to invest in a platform where they are not even willing to tell you who the real owner is and where they use a stock photo to represent him?
For me, this is a clear deal breaker and something I see this as a clear warning sign.
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Red flag #2 – VIP spot number keeps changing:
When you are on CFD’s website, you can see a small counter in the bottom corner of the screen. This is a counter that shows you how many VIP spots are left.
It is a way to create a sense of urgency and make you think it is an offer that will soon run out.

There are supposedly limited VIP spots for CFD Society.
The number keeps going down after you come to the website until it reaches 1 spot left. It keeps being on 1, so you think there is just one spot left for you if you hurry.
I can tell you that you do not have to let this stress you out. If you close the website and open it again, the number will be back up. So not really a true counter:-)
Also, I first reviewed CFD Society more than 1 year ago (from the date of updating it), and at that time it had the same counter. So for more than a year, it has had a counter reaching zero just to go back up:-)
You can however not use this trick alone as an indicator it is a site to stay away from.
This is, unfortunately, a trick used by many online marketers – even by some very popular brands. It is simply a way to encourage you to make a decision fast before you have time to get second thoughts.
Red flag #3 – Only limited spots:
In addition to having a counter that shows the VIP spots, the CFD Society presentation video also says that it is a software that will only be given to 100 new members as I showed you earlier in this review.
Again, just a trick to get you to feel like you are getting a special offer and have to act fast.
Do not worry – if you really decide to join CFD Society, you will have plenty of time. As mentioned above, the counter seems to never reach zero and there have been 100 available spots for more than 1 year now:-)
Red flag #4 – Promises you can earn a living by not really doing anything or having any skills:
A big warning sign on any site that teaches you to make money online is if the income claim is too good to be true.
On CFD, you are told that you can easily make a living by just working 15-20 minutes a day. You do not even have to have any special skills for this.

CFD Society promises that you can make a lot of money with very little effort.
Any program that promises that you can make a living or become rich with more or less no effort is something to be very careful about.
The reality of making money online is that it is definitely very possible, but it takes work and effort to be successful like it does with any other kind of business.
The claim about fast money is one of the big myths of making money online – with effort and patience you can definitely succeed but never trust someone that claims it just takes a few clicks and a few minutes because that is just not how it works.
Red flag #5 – Video will be taken down:
When you watch the presentation video, you are told that it will only be available for a few days, because it will be taken down by somebody that will try to protect this money making secret.
Again, do not worry about the video and the opportunity to disappear.
I have checked the website regularly over a longer period of time, and the video is still there. In fact, it was there over a year ago when I first reviewed CFD Society and it is still there now.
And my guess is that it will probably keep being there as long as there are people that are interested in hearing about CFD Society or until they might decide to close it down themselves:-)
Red flag #6 – You have no time to decide:
You are really pushed into taking a decision to join the CFD Society. I do not mind that websites give offers that are only available for a short time. That is fair enough.
But in my opinion, the problem with the offer on CFD is that you do not really know what you are getting. And you are pushed into making a decision within a few minutes.

You are pushed to make a decision without thinking about it.
You are told that your link and opportunity will expire as soon as you leave the video. You are told that you owe it to yourself and your family to act now, and you are even told that you have no time to think about it or sleep on it.
When a site is being this pushy and trying this hard to get you to make a decision right away, it is a clear sign that they do not want you to go out and look for more information about the opportunity before getting involved, in my opinion.
To me, that is a sign that you have to be careful.
Red flag #7 – No real information about the site:
It is not possible to find any real information about CFD Society.
There is no information about where the company is located, the picture of the owner is a stock photo, and there is no support option r contact info so you can ask questions before joining.
Furthermore, you do not get a lot of information about what you get out of joining before you have to pay.
When there is no real information about who is behind a site, and when it is not clear what you have to pay for until after you have paid, it is a big red flag, in my opinion.
What about the great testimonials?
As you can see above, there are many signs that you have to be careful before investing any money on CFD Society, in my opinion.
But you might then think “But what about all the great testimonials?”.
This is a very good point, and the testimonials that are in both the video and on the page makes it look like a lot of people are happy about being a member. Before taking this as a guarantee there are however some things you need to know.
First of all, several of the pictures that are used for the testimonials are taken from other websites. I found out about this by using the same tool, I used to find out the picture of the owner was a stock photo.
Let me give you a few examples of this.
One of the testimonials you can see on the CFD Society website is from a so-called Erik Thomson.

Erik’s testimonial on CFD Society.
When I checked Erik on Google, he showed up on many other websites as testimonials for other products and services and with different names.

The image of “Erik” has been used on many other websites.
This is a clear sign it is either stock photos or just an image taken from somewhere. But let me give you another example.
You can also see a testimonial from a Ken McAdams.

Ken is supposedly a happy member of CFD Society.
When I checked out “Ken” something interesting came up. It is an image where they have cropped the head of an image from an article in a Danish online news article.

The image of Ken is in reality taken from a Danish News article.
His real name is apparently Harald and not Ken McAdams. So it seems they have just taken random image online and presented as their testimonials which is a big red flag, in my opinion.
Furthermore, the testimonials in the video are from actors. This is not something I am just guessing and could find proof like the images above.
This is actually something CFD Society reveals on the website itself if you find the disclaimer that is in small print on the bottom of the site.

The disclaimer admits you should not trust the claims made on the website.
As you can see, it is stated that actors are used and that you should only watch the video for entertainment.
It basically says that you cannot expect to make the kind of money the video suggests. This is very contradictory to the rest of what the site is trying to show.
So if you do not think the other warning signs were enough to make you careful and consider twice, then the disclaimer and the “testimonials” definitely should convince you to be careful and not to believe all the claims made on the site, in my opinion.
Final verdict – legit or scam?
CFD Society is a binary trading platform that claims you can easily make a lot of money with little effort.
Binary options are a real way to make money if you are lucky but there are a lot of claims on the site that might give you the impression it is easier than it likely will be.
Now you know more about what CFD Society offers and you can then yourself decide if you consider it a legit opportunity worth the try and money.
To help you get a better overview before making your final decision, let’s finish this review by summing up the pros and cons.
- In theory, you can make money with binary options
- Fake testimonials
- The info about the owner is fake
- Binary options can be risky
- The income claims are exaggerated (even according to their own disclaimer)
- Pushes you to sign up with fake scarcity techniques
Honestly, I do not have many positive things to say about CFD Society.
It is definitely not a tool, I would be willing to invest any money in, and before you decide to do so, I encourage you to strongly think about the aspects, I have told you about in this review.
Yes, binary options can be a way to earn but you need to be willing to risk quite a bit of money and it is a risky way to earn.
Also, if you are going to risk money online, are you then willing to give them to a platform that uses fake testimonials and where you do not even know who the owner is?
These aspects are deal breakers, in my opinion, and I, therefore, encourage you to find other opportunities online to make an income instead where there is less risk and where you know more what you get before paying.
How I make a living online
I have personally been able to create on full-time online income that now allows me to work when and where I want to completely on my own terms.
It takes some effort and time but it is totally worth it.
If you want to follow my footsteps and create your own online income, then check out my FREE guide where I explain how this is possible step-by-step.
You can even get started with these steps as a complete beginner.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with CFD Society yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.