The CB Cash Code claims you can easily start making $80,000 per month using this system.
But is CB Cash Code a scam, or does it really know a secret website that can help you earn this kind of money?
The answer to this is a little complicated, as you, in theory, can make money on the “secret” website it talks about. But there are A LOT of things you are not told.
In this CB Cash Code review I will show you all the details about what you can really expect, and show you some important warning signs, so you know what you are getting into before investing any money.
CB Cash Code at a Glance
The CB Cash Code will give you a bit of training about how to make money with ClickBank. But not something you should expect to help you make the kind of money the sales page claims.
The program has sooo many warning signs – you for example do not know who the owner is, it uses fake testimonials, it uses very exaggerated claims, and much more. It is therefore NOT a program I recommend.
Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online Instead
What is CB Cash Code and what does it offer?
CB Cash Code is a system that is supposed to teach you about a secret website, where you can easily earn up to $80,000 per month.
You are told that to make this kind of money, you do not need any special skills. All you need is an internet connection and 10 minutes per day.

All you apparently need to become rich online is internet and 10 minutes per day.
You are even told it is so easy that even the owner’s 77 year old grandmother can do it.
Sounds great so far right?
You are just not told much about how you will actually make money, and what it will teach you other than the secret website is called ClickBank.
As a member, you will get access to some training material and PDFs to read that is supposed to help you learn how to use ClickBank to make this kind of money.
However, in my opinion, you should NOT expect this kind of superficial training to be able to get you started with earning easy money online.
To make any kind of money online you need in-depth info which CB Cash Code is not providing in my opinion. In addition to this, there are so many warning signs, when it comes to this system and the claims it makes.
A system with this many warning signs and BS tricks is one I would personally stay away from. But more about these warning signs later.
Let’s first go over what ClickBank actually is, and if it is even a real way to make money online.
Recommended: Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online
Can you make money on ClickBank?
As I already mentioned in the intro, you can, in theory, make money with the secret website the CB Cash Code will teach you about.
It is definitely possible to make good money by joining ClickBank. It is a platform where you can earn money through affiliate marketing by promoting other peoples’ products and earn commissions like this.
Affiliate marketing is definitely a legit and real way to make money – I know this from personal experience, as I make money on several websites like this myself.
However, already in the sales video when you are told about this “secret” website, there is a lot of BS in my opinion. You are for example told that almost nobody knows about this website.

The “secret” website is really not a big secret.
This is just a way to make you feel like you are told a secret and make you feel special, as it is more likely you will then buy.
More or less anyone working with internet marketing knows about ClickBank, so it is not really secret.
This does however mean that the CB Cash Code is right about the possibilities of making money with ClickBank.
If you decide to try to make money through this platform, you however just have to be aware that there are not only good products there – there are also many ClickBank scams.
You can potentially end up promoting products that in my opinion will not give people any real value and that is just meant to try to lure money out of people.
In addition to this, CB Cash Code is definitely not the best place to learn to make money through ClickBank or learn affiliate marketing in general.
Not only will you in my opinion not get training that is thorough enough, but the system also has a lot of warning signs and things you are not told.
CB Cash Code Warning signs
I have already mentioned a few warning signs and things you, in my opinion, have to be careful about when it comes to CB Cash Code.
There are however quite a few more things you NEED to know before investing any money. I have made a video that goes over these warning sign. Below the video you can see even more details:
Warning sign #1 – No real info about the owner
Who the owner is, tells a lot about a program. This is something that is always good to look into before investing in any program that claims to help you make money online.
The supposed owner of CB Cash Code is George Patterson.

There is no proof of who the owner is.
You are also told a sad story about how he could not pay the medical bills for his mother, until one day he suddenly got help from a friend that told him about ClickBank and how to use it.
This does however not prove anything.
It is a very normal approach for programs like this that claims you can become rich very easily by buying their program. You are just told a name and a sad story, and how they then suddenly learned the secret to make fast money online.
Now they then want to help others and do not want to charge much for this (which is NOT true, as I will show you later).
There is however no proof at all that this story and the name of the owner is even true.
When you hear these stories form a program without any real proof of who the owner is, it is, in my opinion, a big warning sign.
If it really was such a great product, would the owner then not be happy to show himself and prove he is a real person?
Warning sign #2 – Fake testimonials
So you do not alone not know who the owner is. You are also showed fake testimonials.
There are several video testimonials in the CB Cash Code presentation video. They are however bought testimonials and not from real users.
For example the testimonial from the woman that claims she makes a lot of money with CB Cash Code by just working 10 minutes per day. She is actually just selling testimonials on fiverr.

An example of one of the users selling testimonials on fiverr.
If she really made thousands of dollars per day by using the CB Cash Code system, do you think she would sell video testimonials for any product for $5 online?
Another example is this man who is also telling about how great CB Cash Code is.

This supposed user is also selling testimonials online.
He is also selling testimonials on fiverr, and you can see several examples of his spokesperson videos on his profile there.
If CB Cash Code really was such a great system and had training that could teach you how to make thousands of dollars easily, why would there then be fake testimonials?
Should it then not be easy to get great reviews from real users?
In my opinion this is a big warning sign, and a clear sign it is a system that is not worth buying.
Warning sign #3 – They share your information
If you are anything like me, you probably care about how your data is shared online.
You therefore need to be aware that if you sign up for CB Cash Code, your data and email address might be shared. This is revealed in the purchase agreement.

According to the purchase agreement they might share your data.
Here you are told that not only your email, but also your phone number and name may be used with third parties they work with.
In addition to this, your data might be shared with coaching partners that offer similar services.
This means that you will likely start receiving sales emails from other people as well – you can however not really see exactly who this is from the terms you agree to when you sign up.
So this is something to be aware of.
Warning sign #4 – Claims it will be easy to earn
The whole idea of CB Cash Code is that you are supposed to be able to make really easy money online. You are told that every single existing member has made more than $20,000 within the first week.

Every member has supposedly earned $20,000 within a week – yeah right!
This has even happened with only 10 minutes of work per day.
This is just a ridiculous claim – yes, it is definitely possible to make money online with affiliate marketing and through ClickBank.
Maybe you could even eventually make this kind of money – But that would take A LOT of work and time.
But to make any money online, you have to be willing to make an effort. First, you have to learn the basics, and then it takes time to build the foundation as it does with any other business.
It can definitely be worth the effort to get the freedom that comes with working online, but it will NOT happen overnight and with just 10 minutes of work per day.
That is just not how internet marketing and making money online work.
Any program that claims you can become rich very fast and without any effort is in my experience full of BS.
In fact, CB Cash Code itself reveals in its disclaimer that it might not be so easy after all.

The CB Cash Code disclaimer reveals it might not be so easy after all.
The disclaimer says that any success will be the result of hard work and that they do not guarantee, you will make any money with the system.
This is contradictory to the whole sales pitch, where you are told you only have to work 10 minutes per day and do not need any skills.
So can you really trust the claims, when it at the same time reveals in small writing that it might not be so easy after all?
In addition to this, you have maybe spotted another warning sign in the disclaimer image above.
The name in the disclaimer is not CB Cash Code, but it says eCom Profit Sniper. This is another product that is supposed to make you fast money online, I have previously reviewed and do NOT recommend.
So maybe the owner of the two programs is the same since he/she forgot to change the name. However, the owner of eCom Profit Sniper is supposedly called Tom Parker:-)
Just yet another warning sign and proof of the inconsistent claims of CB Cash Code.
Warning sign #5 – The price is NOT the final price
This final warning sign I want to share with you is a big one. It is about the price.
You are told that there will just be a small one-time fee, and then you have access to the system for life.

You are told there just is a small one-time fee to join CB Cash Code – not exactly true.
This fee is only $37.
This is however NOT the true price.
There will be several upsells after you join, and this is the real reason, they are trying to get you to join with all kinds of promises – because you can actually end up spending hundreds of dollars to get full access.
I checked out the promotional material of CB Cash Code to get an idea about how much the full price would be. Here it is possible to see, what they pay people that promote the product for them.

The promotional material of CB Cash Code reveals it can end up being very expensive to join.
Here you can see that they pay up to $240 per sale in commissions to people who promote it. It is important to know that this is commissions, which means that the price you would have to pay would be a lot higher.
This commission is also the reason you might find some very positive CB Cash Code reviews trying to convince you it really can help you make fast money. They can earn really good money themselves by convincing you.
So be aware that if you decide to join, the full price is a lot higher than just the initial joining fee.
Final verdict – scam or legit?
Whether CB Cash Code is a scam or legit depends a lot on how you define it. You do get some training, so in that sense it is legit.
However, I think it is pretty clear from this review that CB Cash Code, in my opinion, is not worth joining.
But let’s sum up the pros and cons to give you a better overview, so you can judge for yourself.
- Money back guarantee
- ClickBank is a real way to make money
- Fake testimonials
- No info about the owner
- Exaggerated income claims
- Claims you can earn by just working 10 minutes per day
- Not transparent about the price
- Shares your information
I honestly have a very hard time finding anything positive to say about the CB Cash Code system. The best thing I can say is that because it itself is a product sold on ClickBank, you get a 60 days money back guarantee. Also, ClickBank is a platform that makes it possible to make money through affiliate marketing.
However, in my opinion, CB Cash Code is NOT a good place to learn this. There are so many warning signs that you should be careful trusting the claims it makes.
You do for example not know who the owner is, the testimonials are fake, the disclaimer itself reveals it might not be so easy, and it can end up being a lot more expensive to join than you are told.
For these reasons CB Cash Code is NOT a program I recommend.
Before you go!
If you want to learn how to make a realistic income online and are tired of all the exaggerated claims, it is possible to learn no matter your background.
I know this from personal experience, and I have learned to make a realistic income online and created this from scratch.
If you are interested in learning about the exact steps I have used to create a full-time income, check out my FREE guide to start making money online through the button below.
You can even get started completely for free.
Be aware that this is not a method that promises quick fixes, and that you will earn overnight. It will take effort and work, but in my experience it is worth all the effort it takes to get the freedom that comes with an online income.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with CB Cash Code yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.