Sounds great to be able to make $2,000 per day on autopilot right?
This is what the AZ Formula claims to help you with.
But is AZ Formula a scam, or is it really a great way to make money online?
Let me reveal right away that it in my opinion definitely is a system to be careful about joining.
In this AZ Formula review I will show you why, and show you all the red flags I based on my many years of internet marketing experience found, when I looked into this system.
AZ Formula at a Glance
AZ Formula claims you can earn more than $10,000 per week already your first month. This is a VERY exaggerated claim and just one of the many warning signs the program has.
It is definitely NOT a system I recommend to invest in – is it simply too risky in my opinion.
Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online Instead
What is AZ Formula and what does it offer?
The AZ Formula is supposedly a system that can help you make fast money online. You can supposedly start making thousands of dollars already on your first day.
You are not told much about what you will actually make this money. You are just told that there are 3 steps you need to take.

The 3 steps you supposedly just need to do to make money with AZ Formula.
You need to register, activate your account, and then follow instructions and watch your profits grow.
It does however not mention anything about how the system works and what you will be doing. You are just told that you will make money with e-commerce.
I have honestly decided not to invest in this program myself, as I have many years of experience with internet marketing, and can spot when there are too many red flags.
One of the big red flags is when you are only told what you will not be doing – in the sales video of the AZ Formula, you are told it has nothing to do with Bitcoin, Facebook ads, and it is a legit way to make money.
That is all you are told – does this not seem strange to you?
However, from the name of the program and from what they are saying in the sales video, I am assuming we are talking about making money through affiliate marketing on Amazon.
This is definitely a real and legit way to make money online – however, I would personally NOT recommend learning it through the AZ Formula for many reasons.
So let’s go over these reasons, so you can see and judge for yourself.
Recommended: Click to See My Top Recommended Way to Make Money Online
Who is the owner of the AZ Formula system?
When you are looking into joining any program that claims to help you make money online, it is always a good idea to look into the background of the owner.
This can tell you a lot about the credibility of the program.
When it comes to AZ Formula, there are in my opinion many red flags, and I will go over the biggest ones below.
But one of the very important things to consider is the owner, and that is why I want to do into this in a separate section here.
The owner of AZ Formula is supposedly Steven Cook.

Steven Cook is supposedly the owner of AZ Formula.
The story about him is very similar to many stories I have heard before in sales videos for programs that claim to make you fast money online.
He had a sad incident, got into financial problems, could not pay the bills, one day he suddenly talks to an old friend/family member that shows a secret system, and then he develops it into becoming a millionaire, and now he wants to help others.
It is kind of the same structure of the life story every time I see one of these videos. I therefore strongly doubt that this is actually the real background of Steven – especially because it seems like Steven might not even be real!!!
I did an image search of the image with Steven – it shows up on A LOT of other websites as well.

Looks like the image of “Steven” is a stock photo.
This is just a few examples of the pages that comes up on Google that has the exact same image. It is clearly a stock image used to represent the owner.
In theory it could of course be because Steven has also been a model – but I will let you be the judge of the likelihood of that:-)
Also, I did an image search of the picture of “Steven’s” cars he shows in the sales video. It also shows up on a lot of other places online.

The image of his supposed cars is also used on many other websites.
So it seems like the AZ Formula is not being completely truthful about who the owner is.
To me this is a HUGE warning sign – if the system really was as great as claimed, would the real owner then not proudly stand behind it?
This is however not the only red flag – let me show you several more I have spotted.
The BIG red flags of AZ Formula
Before investing any money, it is good to look at the credibility of a system from the claims it makes.
We have already looked into the issue about the claims of the owner, but there are several more red flags you in my opinion need to be aware of and consider before spending any money.
Red flag #1 – Fake testimonials
In the AZ Formula sales video, there are several reviews and positive testimonials from supposed users.
When I saw these, I right away spotted that these testimonials should not be trusted. First of all, they sound like really bad actors/actresses that are reading from a script.
However, this is of course not a proof in itself, but I also recognized one of the guys right away.

This guy is selling testimonials.
As you can see on the image above, this guys is not only giving a testimonial of AZ Formula. He has also given testimonials of the Ecom Formula that I have previously reviewed.
Also, I have seen him in the sales video of 30 Day Success Club. Both of these are programs I would NEVER recommend.
In addition to this, you can see on the image above that he has a profile on fiverr selling testimonials.
Here is another example:

Another of the AZ Formula supposed users selling testimonials.
Using bought testimonials is in my opinion a BIG red flag.
If the system really was as great as promised, would it then not be possible to get reviews from actual users and not having to buy them?
Red flag #2 – “Featured on” trick
On the AZ Formula website, you can see the system seems to have been featured on several famous news media.

AZ Formula makes it seem like it has been featured these places.
However, there is NO proof of this whatsoever.
I tried to google and could not find any info about the AZ Formula being featured on these places.
Also, if it really had been, they should have provided real proof of this by sharing for example links or screen shots.
In my opinion these logos are being used to make the website seem more legit.
It actually does not even make sense to have the logos – according to the owner in the sales video, this is a secret system, and if it gets out to too many people, the giants in the industry will get upset.
Therefore, the system is supposedly only available to 10 people – really does not make sense that such a “secret” system would agree to be featured on some of the biggest media websites and TV shows in the world does it?
Red flag #3 – False scarcity tricks
So as I just mentioned above, you are told that you have to hurry to get access to AZ Formula. Supposedly Steven will only accept 10 new members.

The claim of the limited spots is just a sales trick.
You are also told that if you leave the page, you may never see the video again, as the page will be taken down soon.
This is just scarcity tricks used to get you to sign up right away without thinking about it first or doing more research.
But since you are here, I guess you did decide to do some more research – good decision:-)
Do not worry about these claims. The website has been up for months, and is being promoted by many people (more about this later).
It will not run out of available spots. It is just a sales trick. A trick I personally really dislike – creating urgency can be fine in marketing, but making false claims is in my opinion not fair.
Red flag #4 – Earn with no work
This is a BIG red flag.
You are told that you can earn really good money online without doing any work. The system will supposedly take care of everything for you.

It is always a big warning sign, when you are told, you can make money on autopilot.
Everything will be done on autopilot, and all you have to do is a few clicks.
A small advise here – when you see a program that promise this: RUN away as fast as you can!
This is simply not how internet marketing works. You can learn to make money online, but it will take effort.
No system will be able to make you rich by just clicking a few buttons as a complete newbie. A claim like this is one of the biggest red flags you can find in the online world.
Actually, the disclaimer of the AZ Formula itself reveals it might not be as easy after all.

The AZ Formula disclaimer reveals it might not be so easy after all.
It says that success in ANY money-making opportunity is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors.
I agree that this is true – this is just NOT what you are told in the sales pitch.
You are told that anyone can make money on autopilot, but now in the disclaimer it says it might not be so easy, and that AZ Formula does not make any guarantees.
Seems like AZ Formula itself is almost confused about what it really offers:-)
Red flag #5 – Earn right away
When you are looking into making money online, you probably want it to happen as soon as possible right?
That is why there are so many programs that promise it will happen overnight. AZ Formula is also claiming this.

Be careful about any system that claims you can make a lot of money instantly.
You are told that the system has made all of its users more than $10,000 per week in less than 30 days. This is even for people with no experience as everything is taken care of for you.
This is definitely NOT how internet marketing works. You can learn to make money online no matter your background, but it will NOT happen overnight and automatically.
You can also eventually make really good money online, but going from complete beginner to $10,000 per week is just not realistic.
It is an extremely exaggerated claim, and any program that claims you can become rich this fast online, is a program to be very careful about.
Also, AZ Formula has some contradictions in relation to this income claim. In the video your are told that you cannot fail with this system. Here is however what the disclaimer on the website says:

Be aware that there is NO guarantee you will make any money with AZ Formula.
Here you are clearly told that there is no guarantee that you will make any money, and that the results will be entirely up to you.
So if you are looking to make this kind of money fast, be aware that there is no guarantee it will happen, and from my experience with online marketing, you should definitely not expect it.
Red flag #6 – The true price of AZ Formula
The last big red flag I want to show you is the true price of the AZ Formula. You are told it just costs a one-time fee of $37.
This is NOT the price for full access. After you join, there will be several upsells/upgrades you are strongly encouraged to get.
To find out the true price, I looked into the promotional material of AZ Formula, where you can see how much they pay people to promote the system.

The sales funnel reveals the true price of AZ Formula.
Here you can see that there will be two further upsells, after you join. One that costs $197 and one for $297. This means the total price for full access can end up being more than $500.
That is A LOT more than the “one-time” fee you are initially told.
The reason for starting with a low fee is to get you in, and when you have already invested, you are more likely to buy the upgrades.
Personally I really dislike programs and companies that have hidden costs like this.
Also, be aware that as you can see on the image of the sales funnel above, AZ Formula pays high commissions to people who promote it.
This is one of the reasons you will find some really postive AZ Formula reviews also that are just confirming what the sales video says.
If there is no real proof and just more or less a repetition of the sales page, it is very likely just because they want to make a sale and get commissions.
Final verdict – legit or scam?
I think it is pretty clear from this review that I do not have much faith in the AZ Formula system.
But let’s sum up the pros and cons, so you can get a better overview and judge for yourself.
- Offers money-back guarantee
- No info about what you will be doing
- Fake image of the owner
- Bought testimonials
- Claims you can become rich overnight
- Claims you will earn on autopilot
- Expensive upsells after you join
In my opinion the only positive thing to say about AZ Formula is that it offers a money-back guarantee.
If you then think AZ Formula is legit or a scam depends on how you see it. It does offer some training after you join, so in that sense you can say it is legit.
It will however NOT make you rich overnight and will NOT work on autopilot, as it claims in the sales video. Also, the price will be higher than you are initially told, if you want full access.
So how you would then define AZ Formula, I will leave up to you. No matter what it is definitely NOT a system I recommend.
Before you go!
There are so many programs online that claim to make you rich overnight and without effort – this is just NOT how internet marketing works.
It is however possible to learn to make realistic money online no matter your previous background – I know, as I have been able to create a full-time income like this myself after much trial and error.
I did this by following a 4-step process. Let me be honest and say it takes hard work and some time – but it can definitely be worth it. So if you are looking to become rich overnight, this is not for you.
Click the button below to read my free guide with the exact steps I use to make REALISTIC money online. You can even read about how to get started for FREE.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with AZ Formula yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.