Earning money by blogging can give a lot of freedom to work when and where you want to.
There is a lot of info out there about how this is possible to achieve – most of the info is, however, written by people that do not actually earn by blogging themselves.
Therefore, I decided to write this article to show you how to start blogging for money. I have started from scratch myself and now earn a full-time income by blogging and having websites.
I will share a realistic approach and steps that make it possible to get started no matter your previous online experience.
Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means at no cost to you, I may receive an affiliate commission if you purchase something through one of these links.
Is blogging for money even realistic?
You probably ended up on this article because you have heard about many people making good money by starting a blog.
But even though there are many stories about this, it can be hard to believe this is possible for anyone and to understand how it is even possible.
When I first started looking into making money online, I was very skeptical. And skepticism is good as there are a lot of online scams.
But there are also good ways to earn online. And blogging is one of them.
And let me just start by making it clear that it definitely is a real way to profit and to even make a really good living eventually.
I know this from personal experience, as I have several successful blogs/websites and are making a full-time income like this.
I will show you later how it actually is possible to get started, but what is important to know is that there are many ways to use blogging to make an income.
Blogging is, for example, an amazing tool for getting high rankings in Google and that way get a lot of targeted traffic to your website.
Once you have traffic, the opportunities are literally endless. There are many ways to then monetize this traffic. It can be through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and more.
The details about this are not important right now for the purpose of this article. I will show you later how to learn all the details.
I just wanted to make it perfectly clear that blogging is definitely a real and realistic way to make money online. Even if you do not have any previous experience.
Do you have to be a professional writer to become a blogger?
One thing I often hear when people want to start blogging to create an income is that they are worried about their writing skills.
The thing is – everybody can learn to blog and make money this way.
You do NOT have to be an author or a professional writer to make it happen.
This is very important to remember. When people start thinking about having to blog, they sometimes just freeze and think they do not have the skills.
What is important to think about is to just communicate and share your thoughts.
It is basically just like having a conversation. In a blog, you are just sharing your ideas, experiences, and more in writing.
It does not have to be in a certain way and you do not have to take a writing course – you just need to share your thoughts and experiences.
If you become too technical about it, it will likely end up becoming impersonal and not connect with your readers. You will have your own style and it will be different from mine and that is perfectly fine.
By just writing as you are communicating with another person, you will be able to connect.
Then there are some things that need to be learned to be able to create your website, be found in the search engines, and make it user-friendly.
All this is something that can be learned and I will show you how later.
The most important part of blogging is, however, that you just do not think you do not have what it takes. As long as you can communicate your thoughts and ideas, you can blog.
4 tips to succeed with blogging
Before we get to how you can actually start blogging and make this into an income, there are a few points I want to go over.
These are some very important tips I have found to help me in my blogging journey and my way to create a full-time income like this.
Because the reality is that more than 90% of all people that try to make money online fail. But it does not have to be like this.
Most often it is because of the wrong approach people fail.
So I want to share some tips that can help you go into blogging with the right approach and make sure you will be one of the people that will succeed – because that definitely is possible if you have the right attitude.
Tip 1 – Choose a topic you are passionate about
Before you can start blogging, you need to have a topic/niche to write about.
When you first start out, I recommend choosing a topic you are interested in. I am not saying it is not possible to create a successful blog and income with a topic you are not interested in.
But when you first start out, the best approach, in my opinion, is to choose a topic you at least have some interest in.

Choosing a topic you are interested in makes it easier to blog.
You will be writing about this topic a lot, and especially in the beginning, it is great for the motivation to write and research about something you find interesting.
This will make it a lot more fun. And that will make it possible for you to create a blogging income by doing something that is fun – that is a great benefit of blogging.
It can be more or less any topic. There are more than 4 billion people online in the world so if you are interested in a topic, you can be pretty sure there are other people interested as well and they are searching for info online.
And small specific niches can also be very profitable so do not let it stop you if you think you are interested in something that is too narrow a topic – this can actually even be an advantage as the competition is then also lower.
Tip 2 – Focus on helping people
When people want to start a blog and make money this way, a big mistake is often to only focus on the money aspect.

It is a big mistake to only think about the money.
This might sound counterintuitive since you are starting the blog to make money and then I am now saying you should not only focus on this.
The reason for this is that nobody likes to read content that is overly promotional.
They want helpful info – that is usually why we search on Google and other search engines, right? To get helpful and informative information.
So if you can focus on what content you can write to help people and how you can help people, in general, when they come to your site, this is an amazing approach that will set you up for long-term success for several reasons.
First of all, when you help people that come to your site, you build trust. They will know you are worth following and that you provide great info.
This makes it more likely that they will also follow your recommendations (which is one of the ways you can earn money) because they know you are honest.
Once they find out how great your info is and that they can trust you, they will happily come back to your site and keep following you. Over time this is what can really build up your audience (and your income).
Many bloggers, unfortunately, just focus on the quick bug and try to sell whatever can make them money without thinking about their readers.
That might give some fast money right here and now but you can be sure that reader will never come back.
In addition to this, by being honest and focusing on helping people, you can actually feel good about what you are doing.
It is great being able to make money online by helping other people.
It is great for your readers, it is great for how you feel about yourself, and long-term it is also great for your income.
This is, in my experience, the best long-term and the most sustainable way to create a blogging income.
Tip 3 – Be patient
One of the biggest reasons most people fail online is the lack of patience.
So let me make it perfectly clear for you – creating an income by blogging will NOT happen overnight.
It will take some time and some patience to build up the trust with both the search engines and your readers.
Exactly how long it will take to start earning is very difficult to say as it depends on many things – among other things the effort you put in and how competitive the niche you have chosen is.
But one thing is sure – it will take some time and work. If you are looking for a quick way to get rich, blogging is not for you.
In fact, you should then stay away from the online world in general because the only programs that promise you to get rich quick are scam programs that will just end up taking your money.

Success will not happen overnight – any program that claims this will likely scam you.
Success is definitely possible with blogging. But you need to be willing to put in some time and effort. But it is definitely worth the time and effort.
The freedom that comes with being able to work on your own terms and work when and where you want to is priceless, in my opinion.
Tip 4 – Take consistent action
This is very much related to the point above.
Time alone will not do it. You need to take action.

Taking consistent action is very important to succeed.
Procrastination and not being willing to actually do the work is another huge reason people often fail online.
Without taking continuous action, you will not succeed.
But just by keep taking action one step at the time, you will do more than 90% of the people that try to make money online and you will thereby succeed eventually.
The first thing you need to do is to just get started.
Below I will show you my recommended way of starting a blogging income if you are willing to follow the approach I described above.
Best way to get started with blogging for money
There are several steps you need to get started with blogging. First of all, you, of course, need a blog/website.
And then there are some aspects, as I mentioned earlier, you need to learn to set up your blog properly and have the best chances of success.
All this is luckily something that can be learned no matter your previous experience. When I first started my quest to make money online, I had no experience with blogging.
After a lot of failing and testing (and wasting of time and money), I found the training platform Wealthy Affiliate that showed me all the steps and I realized why I had failed until then.
The training and tools there is what has helped me create a full-time income by blogging.
The reason I recommend this as the best way to start creating a blogging income is the very comprehensive step-by-step training where you learn everything about how to set up your blog for success, and you get all the tools you need for this.
In addition to this, the support is amazing there and there is a huge community that is always ready to help you.
In fact, if you join through the button below, I will even be your personal coach and give you personal help and sparring and help you succeed as fast as possible and avoid the same mistakes I made.
By clicking the button below, you will immediately get access to 10 completely FREE lessons. That is how I started myself, and it is, in my experience, the absolute best way to get started.
Final thoughts
Blogging is an awesome way to make a living.
It makes it possible to work when and where you want to and the income potential of blogging is HUGE.
The best thing about a blogging income is that it is something everyone can learn to create and it is a way to create an income by doing what you love.
To succeed, it is, however, important to have the right approach and be willing to put in some time and effort. If you are willing to do this, you can succeed no matter your previous experience and background.
To help you get started, you can get 10 lessons for FREE here where you will learn how to set up your blog properly and learn all the basics about how to get started step-by-step.
So now it is up to you to take the first step and get started – and remember to keep taking consistent action. Then success will happen.
If you have any comments or questions about starting a blog and making money this way, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.