EasySocials.com is a platform where you can buy YouTube views, Pinterest Pins, Twitter followers, and more to supposedly boost your online popularity.
But is EasySocials a scam or is it a great help to increase your online earnings?
Well, let me reveal right away that there is some potential in what the platform offers, BUT there are definitely also some risks involved.
In this EasySocials review, I will go over both so you can take all aspects into consideration before deciding to use the service or not.
EasySocials in a Glimpse
EasySocials.com is definitely a website where you can buy cheap and fast engagement on your social media channels and get fast likes, views, followers, and more.
However, even though it might give results, you need to be aware of the risks. The methods go against the terms of most social media channels and if they spot it at some point, you risk getting penalized.
If it is worth the risk, is up to you to decide, but you need to be aware of all the risks before joining so you know exactly what you get. Personally, I think it is a better long-term solution to NOT focus on quick fixes but on building a sustainable business with effort and quality.
What is EasySocials.com and what does it offer?
EasySocials.com is a platform that offers what they call innovative social media marketing to help you boost your popularity online.
It is owned by the same company that runs MaxVisits, which is a platform where you can buy traffic for your website.
EasySocials is instead focused on social media and can help you quickly get more YouTube views or likes, more visibility on Pinterest, Twitter, and more.
All this can definitely be a way to become more popular and increase your income dramatically online. However, you need to know exactly how it works to find out if what EasySocials offers is actually a good option or not.
So let’s start by going over the options EasySocials has.
Option 1 – Get fast YouTube likes and views
One of the main things EasySocials offers is to help you get fast YouTube likes and views.
The idea behind this is that more likes and views will increase visibility and thereby get you even more likes, subscribers, and views.
All this will lead to bigger visibility and more income opportunities. And people are more likely to subscribe and watch when you already have a big number.
So it works kind of like a snowball and using EasySocials’ services can be a way to kickstart this.
It can be quite difficult and will take a lot of work to get a YouTube channel off the ground so a service like this can be very appealing to get started fast.
According to EasySocials FAQ section, they make sure all likes, comments, and views are from real humans and not bots.
This is a good assurance, but, in my opinion, it still comes with some pretty big risks but we will get to that later.
So overall, EasySocials can definitely be a way to get fast likes, comments, and more on YouTube, but make sure to read the rest of this review before you decide to use this option.
Also, be aware that even if you get the likes, the followers can choose to unfollow you again.

Be aware that followers might unfollow again.
You can see that in the terms from EasySocials.com on the image above.
This does not only go for YouTube but for any social media channels, you might buy likes for through EasySocials.
It does not mean it might not be worth it but it is just something to be aware of before you invest your money.
Option 2 – Twitter followers and retweets
If you are using Twitter, it can have great benefits to get retweets and this is another option on EasySocials.
According to their FAQ section, you can buy both followers and retweets but at the moment of writing this review, they only have an option to buy retweets.
They say the retweets will come from real users and will be from international users. It does, however, not say from which countries.

The retweets will come from international users.
It might be real people they will get to retweet your content but there is no guarantee it will be relevant accounts in relation to your content.
This is just something to take into consideration before getting too excited about hundreds of retweets.
Option 3 – Pinterest, SoundCloud, and more
EasySocials offers services for several other channels. They mention several options on their site but at the moment of writing this review, the two additional options they have are Pinterest and SoundCloud.
For Pinterest, you can buy repins. They use inactive accounts to follow, like, and repin.
For SoundCloud, you can either buy plays or downloads. This is meant as a way to make your channel look more popular.
Here the plays and downloads will come from inactive accounts. You can also get plays from real people but then you have to buy the premium option.
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EasySocials pricing
Now you have seen what EasySocial can help you with. And increasing visibility online through social media can definitely have a big effect.
But usually, it can be quite expensive to run successful advertising campaigns. This is where EasySocials can help you at a lot lower cost – if this is then a positive or negative thing is something we will get to in the next section.
Let’s now look at the pricing options you have on EasySocials.com.
There are many different pricing options depending on what you want to get.

The price depends on the service you want to buy.
Above you can see the starting price of the different options.
In general, the more likes, views, etc. you get at one time, the cheaper it gets.
As an example you can, for example, get 1,000 YouTube views for $5.88 or 100 likes for $9.88. You can get 1,000 retweets for $44.88 or 100 repins on Pinterest for $13.88.
These are just pricing examples and if you are interested, you can check out all the prices on their website. But as you can see, it is in general quite cheap compared to what you have probably paid before if you have done any paid advertising.
And not least – it is very easy. You can just book it and then if everything is ok with the order, you will start seeing results in 1-4 days.
Also, there is a money-back guarantee. If you do not get the full order, you can get money back for the part that was not fulfilled.
This means that if you, for example, buy 1,000 YouTube views but EasySocials for some reason is only able to provide 800, you will get money back for 200 views.
Be aware that they money-back guarantee does NOT mean you can get your money back if you are unhappy with the quality – it is only in relation to the numbers.
EasySocials also has an option to get 1,000 free YouTube views.

You can get 1,000 free YT views.
The way you get these is by writing about EasySocials on your website and linking to them.
This means that I could contact them after writing this review and get 1,000 YT views as a trial. I will, however, not do this as it is not really a method I recommend and I will explain why that is below.
Are there any risks by using EasySocial services?
I have already hinted at it a few times – there are, in my opinion, some risks involved when using EasySocials services.
This does not mean they cannot give you results. It just means you need to know exactly what the potential benefits and potential risks are and then outweigh them when making your decision.
There are mainly 3 risks you need to carefully consider before making any decisions so let’s go over these below.
Risk #1 – You risk getting banned
There is a lot of discussion about the risk of buying likes, views, etc. on social media. Some people say it does not exactly go against the terms and others say it does and you can get banned if you use such practices.
However, let me show you some proof so you can decide for yourself.
Let’s start with what EasySocials themselves say.

EasySocials itself says it is against the terms of YouTube to buy views.
They actually say on their website that buying video views on YouTube goes against YouTube’s Terms of Services and there is a risk your video might get deleted.
Supposedly they do their best to avoid this by they do not guarantee it will not happen. In fact, they even say here it goes against the terms of YouTube.
That does not mean it cannot give you results and many people do get results by using so-called black hat marketing. But it does come with the risk of suddenly losing everything from day-to-day.
If you know anything about ranking in Google, you might know that people sometimes get severely punished overnight when there is an update of the algorithm and Google suddenly spots people having tried to manipulate.
Google owns YouTube and they are also here doing all they can to spot people manipulating.
That goes for any social network – they want the engagement to be real and do what they can to spot when it is not real and potentially punish people that are faking it.
You can, for example, see what Twitter says in their terms.

Twitter’s terms when it comes to buying followers and retweets.
It here clearly says that it goes against their terms and if you do it, your account might get suspended.
YouTube might not be so clear in their terms, but let’s also take a look at what they say about fake engagement.

YouTube does also not allow fake engagement.
You can see that they clearly also want the engagement to be genuine and will try to spot and punish any channel that tries to use this.
That it goes against the terms does not mean it cannot give results and people do get results by doing this.
But the question is for how long – it might be effective for a week, it might be for a year, but the fact is that it comes with a risk you need to be aware of.
There are, however, also a few more risks you need to take into consideration.
Risk #2 – People spot BS
People are becoming better and better at spotting BS online and fake engagement.
There are still many people that will not notice any irregular patterns but there are also many people that will spot it.
No matter how good your product or service is, your reputation will suffer if people find out you are using fake engagement to, for example, make yourself look more popular on social media.
So just take your reputation and long-term brand into consideration.
Risk #3 – You focus your time on quick fixes
I have just touched upon this above – to succeed long-term online, you need to focus on building a sustainable business.
There are a lot of quick fixes and shiny objects online – some of them might work for a while but others will never really work.
The main risk of going for quick fixes online is that they are usually not sustainable. I know many people that have spent years chasing the next quick fix to make money online instead of just sitting down and doing the hard work.
If they had done that, they would have an amazing business (and income) after a few years but instead, they are still chasing around and only get temporary results (if any).
In my opinion, the best way to build a sustainable online business is by thinking long-term and not go for quick fixes but for the long-term wins and just sit down, focus, and do the hard work.
Final verdict
Increasing your social media presence can definitely have a great effect and it can be tempting to go for an easy solution and get fast likes, followers, views, and more from a platform like EasySocials.com.
But this does not mean it necessarily it is a good solution. So let’s finish this review by summing up the pros and cons so you can get a better overview before deciding to use EasySocials.com or not.
- Cheap way to boost social media engagement
- Fast way to get engagement
- The engagement is fake
- It goes against the terms of social media platforms so you risk getting banned
- People might lose trust in you if they spot you are faking engagement
- You risk wasting time going for easy solutions instead of just doing the work
EasySocials definitely has some cheap options and can give you fast results. But it also comes with some quite big risks, you really need to consider before getting involved, in my opinion.
If you decide to give it a try, I would suggest you to test with a small account – and be aware that even if you see initial results, there is no guarantee that your account won’t suddenly get penalized.
This is definitely something to take into consideration before using this method.
I hope this review has given you a good overview of exactly what EasySocials offers and what you have to consider to find out if it is a good solution for you or not.
If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with EasySocials yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.