does taskrabbit work review headerTaskRabbit is a company that claims to make it possible for you to earn money by helping people with their everyday to-dos.

But does TaskRabbit work or is it a scam?

Let me just reveal right away that it has potential but there are also some people that have had poor experiences.

So it seems a lot has to do with your expectations and being aware of what you are getting into.

In this TaskRabbit review, I will give you all the details about what to consider before deciding to join as a tasker/worker so you can see if it is a good option for you or not.

TaskRabbit in a Glimpse
  • Tools
  • Value for money
  • Income potential


TaskRabbit is a platform that connects you to people that need help with their everyday tasks. It is a good concept and you can find tasks almost no matter your skills.

Just be aware that there is no guarantee you will get tasks, it is only available in some cities, and it is not a fast way to make a full-time income. But it is a legit way to earn if you live where it is available.

Alternatively, you can check out how to build an online income which you can do from anywhere.

What is TaskRabbit and how does it work?

TaskRabbit is a platform that connects people that need help to do everyday tasks with people that can do this in their local area.

In this review, I will be focusing on the options you have as a tasker – this means the options you have to earn by signing up as a worker and getting hired.

So the way TaskRabbit works is that you can sign up and then find tasks in your area.

It can more or less be any kind of task and there are hundreds of different types of tasks so almost no matter your skills and interests, you can find relevant tasks for you.

popular taskrabbit tasker categories

You can find tasks almost no matter your skills.

It can, for example, be to help people move, to assemble furniture, to stand in line, delivery tasks, shopping, cleaning, bartending, snow removal, and more.

So if you are looking for a way to earn by being your own boss, this could look like a good opportunity.

However, there are a few things you need to be aware of and consider before signing up as a TaskRabbit worker to make sure it is actually a good option for you.

First of all, you have to be aware that there is a $20 registration fee for signing up for TaskRabbit. This is non-refundable.

This does not mean it cannot be worth it, but it means that you have to be aware of what you are getting into not to risk wasting your registration fee.

So let’s go over what the earning opportunities are as a tasker and some other things you need to consider before joining.

Recommended: See How I Earn a Full-Time Income Online by Being my Own Boss

Can you earn a full-time income as a TaskRabbit worker?

In theory, I really like what TaskRabbit offers. During my research, I have, however, also come across some shortcomings but we will get to them later.

One thing that is important to know before joining any platform that claims to help you make money is how big the potential is, so you are going into it with the right expectations.

It seems it is possible to be able to earn a full-time income as a TaskRabbit worker – but you need to be aware that this is NOT guaranteed.

As they describe, you can find the jobs you want, choose your own rates, and make your own schedule.

how taskrabbit works

You can choose the rates and the jobs yourself – but there is no guarantee how many you will get.

But there is no guarantee that there will be any relevant tasks for you in your area. And there is no guarantee people will hire you for the rates you request.

So let’s say you want to earn money by being a handyman. But there might only be 1-2 tasks per week depending on where you live, your skills, and your rates.

There might also be 100 tasks and more than you can handle. But just be aware that just because you become a member of TaskRabbit it does not mean you will necessarily end up making really good money.

But it seems there are some people that are making good money.

I have, for example, seen a post on their Facebook page with someone who has had 3,000 tasks.

longest taskrabbit worker

The person that has worked the longest as a TaskRabbit tasker has completed more than 3,000 tasks,

He is also the one that has been a tasker for TaskRabbit the longest but you can figure out from the number of tasks that he has had on average 300 tasks per year.

That means that he has been able to get a really good amount of tasks and income from this. So it is possible.

But again, be aware that this is NOT the average.

I have, for example, seen some people talking on their Facebook page about it being difficult to get tasks.

taskers having problems getting jobs

For some people, it is difficult to get tasks.

So it has potential, but do not necessarily expect to get a lot of tasks right away.

Who can join?

If you think TaskRabbit is a great option for you, you need to be aware that it is not available everywhere.

So this means it is only relevant for you if you live in certain cities.

Below you can see an image of the locations TaskRabbit is available in at the time of writing this review.

taskrabbit locations

The locations where TaskRabbit is available.

So as you can see, it is mostly available in US cities and then if a few bigger cities in the UK. 

That means that if you live in smaller cities or in other countries, you cannot use TaskRabbit as a way to earn.

Can you get access through mobile?

Luckily, TaskRabbit is available on mobile so you can easily keep an eye on possible tasks and respond to message there.

taskrabbit app image

TaskRabbit has an app.

They have an app you can download and use for this.

It is available in the App Store and in Google Play Store.

TaskRabbit complaints?

From what I have been able to find out, TaskRabbit is legit. But this does not mean there are no complaints because there definitely are.

Some of these can help you to know exactly what to expect if you decide to join TaskRabbit and I will, therefore, explain some of the most common complaints I have seen.

This is only from the perspective of being a worker and not complaints from people hiring workers through TaskRabbit.

One of the most common complaints I have seen is the lack of support. Several people mention that, especially, when applying they do not hear back and when trying to contact support they do not get answers or just get an automatic reply.

You can see an example of such a complain below.

taskrabbit poor review

There are some complaints about poor support.

Another aspect I have seen some workers complain about is the review system.

When you are working for someone, they will be able to give you a rating on the TaskRabbit platform. This rating will naturally affect your chances of getting further tasks.

This can, of course, be good and a good way to make sure the quality of the work done is good. But as a worker, it also has some risks, if you do not have the option to object.

Below you can see an example of someone complaining about this on SiteJabber.

complaint about taskrabbit review system

The review system can potentially hurt your business and you cannot object.

He feels he had an unreasonable client that wanted him to do 3 tasks for the price of 1. They gave him a bad review which decreased his earnings by 50% because fewer people wanted to hire him after that. And the TaskRabbit support could not help with this.

This is, of course, a tricky topic. And we do not know what really happened. But it just shows what you need to be aware of before joining as a worker, so you know how the system works so you will not end up being surprised by it.

One thing I just want to say is that no matter the company, they will always be some complaints. So that there are some complaints does not mean you cannot make money as a TaskRabbit worker.

There are also several good stories about people making money like the one I showed earlier in this review.

But it is good to be aware of these things as well, so you have a better idea about exactly how it works and what to expect so you can make an informed decision based on this.

Final verdict

There definitely are people making money as a worker for TaskRabbit so it can be a legit way to make money.

But this does not mean it will necessarily be the right option for you. It honestly depends a lot on your expectations, goals, and location.

So let’s finish by summing up the pros and cons of TaskRabbit as a tasker, so you can get a better overview before deciding if it is for you or not.


  • You can find tasks almost no matter your skills
  • Gives easy access to many different tasks
  • Has the potential to make you a full-time income


  • $20 registration fee so you have to pay before knowing if there will be tasks for you
  • Only available in limited cities
  • The review system can be risky for your business
  • Some complaints about poor support

Overall, I would say that TaskRabbit can be a great way to make money if you want to work on your own terms. But you can only do this if you live in one of the cities it is available in.

Also, even though it has good potential, you have to be aware that there is no guarantee about how many tasks you will get or how much money you will make.

If you can accept these terms and the $20 registration fee, then it is definitely a real way to possibly make money.

But what then if you do not like the terms, the potential, and the conditions at TaskRabbit or if you do not live in a city where it is available? Let’s just go over that now.

Is there a better alternative?

If you like doing the types of tasks you can find on TaskRabbit, I think it can be a great way to make money and it can give some freedom.

Personally, I do not live in a city where it is available and also, I prefer having an income that does not depend on how many times I get hired by others as this also means there is no income if you need a few days or weeks off.

If you are in the same situation but still want to make money on your own terms and be your own boss, then you can check out how I make a full-time income online.

Having an online income, in my opinion, gives the ultimate freedom as you can truly work when and where you want to, and you are not dependent on someone else hiring you.

It is actually something you can learn no matter your background – but I will also be honest with you and say that it will not happen overnight. It takes a little patience and some hard work but if you are willing to this, the sky is the limit.

So depending on your preferences, then either TaskRabbit can be a good way to earn, or you can check out how you can create an online income by clicking below.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with TaskRabbit as a worker yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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