Throughout the years, marketing has transitioned from its traditional form to a more digital approach. Consequently, more and more businesses are beginning to modify their marketing strategies to suit the best digital marketing practices.

With this rush to the internet comes intense competition between rival firms and brands. One brilliant way to stay ahead of the pack is the use of Google Adwords. According to the folks at, Google Adwords can increase brand awareness by 80% at the minimum.

Google ads work in a straightforward yet fascinating way. When a web user enters a query into Google’s search engine, the engine runs a series of complex algorithms to display ads related to the query made. These ads would usually occupy the first three to four positions on your Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

With a Google Ads campaign, you can take your business to heights you could never dream of even with the best SEO practices. This advertising platform can gain you more leads and revenue while directing increased traffic to your website.

This is especially true because 52 percent of people are more likely to click on an ad that displays at the top of Google’s search results.

Although the prospect of channeling money into Adwords—especially for small businesses—might seem like a daunting task, the results can be fantastic and quick. The following are some of the benefits of running a Google Adwords campaign if you do it right.

You Can Measure Your Performance

In stark contrast to traditional advertising, Google Adwords affords you the chance to measure your performance. Aside from the fact that conventional advertising media like radio, cable television, and newspapers are more expensive than Google Adwords, their performance can’t be measured.

Indeed, you can never tell which particular media brings in your leads, except when a customer decides to divulge such information.

With Adwords, you can tell who clicked on your ad, what keyword generated the most leads, cost per lead, and the number of leads that have been generated. With this information, you can tweak your campaign for optimal results.

It Is Faster Than SEO

As highlighted earlier, Adwords is potentially quicker at getting you results than SEO. It goes without saying that both Google Adwords and SEO are strategies employed in carrying out search engine marketing strategies developed to drive traffic and, subsequently, leads.

However, an Adwords campaign that is well-optimized can help you attain the much-sought-after first spot on Google’s SERP faster than SEO would ever do.

Its results are faster because ads that appear at the top of search results get immediate visibility. In addition to this, it is flexible as you can discontinue and continue your campaign whenever you choose. Also, you can use as many keywords as you want to use at a time.

It Is Flexible

Unlike what is obtainable with other marketing strategies, Google Adwords is quite flexible in its payment system.

This is because you only pay for ads people click on. Hence, you do not necessarily need to spend so much money when you’re still trying to figure out what works best.

In contrast to other marketing strategies where you still have to pay for redundant parts which fetch you no revenue, Google Adwords feature a “no clicks, no click costs” system.

Final Take

Google Adwords is one of the easiest ways to extend your reach beyond those of your competitors. That said, it’s best to combine Adwords with SEO strategies.

While Adwords can help increase your brand’s awareness in the short run, SEO would serve you more in the longer term.

You can see more stats about PPC on the infographic from Serpwatch below:
PPC infographic

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