your income profits review headerI came across a program called Your Income Profits that claims it can help you make $1,000 starting today.

The creator of this program is Tom Williams, and he claims he uses a system called “Traffic Middlemen Arbitrage,” and he uses Amazon, eBay, and ClickBank to make $1,000 per day.

So, is Your Income Profits, something that could provide you a decent income online or is it a scam?

Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out because, in this Your Income Profits review, I will reveal to you all the details about this program so you can make an informed decision about it.

Honestly, there are several things about this program you should know about before joining!

Let’s start.

Your Income Profits in a Glimpse
  • Training
  • Tools
  • Value for Money
  • Income Potential


Your Income Profits is a program that claims it can help you make $1,000 starting today.

The creator of this program is Tom Williams, and he claims he uses a system called “Traffic Middlemen Arbitrage,” and he uses Amazon, eBay, and ClickBank to make $1,000 per day.

Honestly, I cannot recommend this program due to the red flags I have uncovered from their sales page, which makes it a risky investment to take, in my opinion.

I especially don’t like the way they are promoting it as if you easily make money online with just 15 minutes of work.

These types of claims are far from reality because, in affiliate marketing, you’ll need to invest your time, effort, and a bit of patience before you can see some good results.

I, therefore, urge you to search for other legit opportunities online that can truly help you create a decent income online and where they are transparent about the requirements from the start.

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What is Your Income Profits and what does it offer?

Tom is the speaker and creator of this program, and according to his sales video, he supposedly makes $1000 every single day, and he wants to share the program with 50 others.

Your Income Profits will supposedly use the affiliate marketing business model, so this will involve promoting other people’s products and services to earn commissions online.

Also, on their sales page, Tom will also show you some income claims on his video, and he also claims it’s so easy that any newbie can use the system and make money online.

You supposedly don’t need any previous experience or skills in affiliate marketing to succeed with his program.

Tom also explains that this business can be set up in 3 easy steps;

1) Choose a website from the system

2) Drive traffic to this website with a few clicks

3) Sit back, relax and watch the money pour in

In my opinion, this is an inaccurate way of explaining affiliate marketing.

This only shows that he is just making it sound simple and easy, and as though you’ll be able to make $1000 today with just a few clicks.

your income profits income claims

They are showing several income claims on their sales page.

The truth is that affiliate marketing is a little bit more complex than that.

You see, with affiliate marketing, you don’t make money simply by driving traffic to a website which can be hard enough if you don’t get proper training about how to do it.

The traffic that you send also needs to convert into buyers.

People need to be BUYING something on the website or take a certain action for you to make any commissions and that’s easier said than done.

Tom also claims that he only has worked 15 minutes a day for the past 6 months using this system and it has generated him $390K, which is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.

There are other red flags in this program I will discuss shortly in this review, so keep on reading!

Your Income Profits Red flags

It really is an enticing proposition to earn $1,000 per day using a system that you can set up with just a few clicks of your mouse.

However, this is NOT the case in real life because you’ll need to invest some time, effort, and a bit of patience to create a sustainable income online.

This is the main reason why I wrote this review because I want to share with you all the red flags I have discovered from their sales page so you know how affiliate marketing really works before deciding if it if for you.

Here are the red flags that I think you should know about before joining.

Red flag #1 – Tom Williams is NOT a real person

Who is Tom Williams? Well, he doesn’t really give a lot of information, except that he was working in IT and got laid off.

your income profits tom williams creator

Tom Williams is the so-called creator of this program.

He will also tell you that he became a multi-millionaire using this system, but you can’t find any reference about him on the sales page.

He doesn’t even reveal his contact details on their site, so there’s no way for you to contact him in case you want to ask him about the program.

If he really was such a popular millionaire that more people would have been talking about him?

Wouldn’t he have had interviews? A Youtube Channel, or some kind of social media platform that promotes his work?

That’s exactly what we can’t find about him, so how can we really verify that everything he says is the truth?

I even tried searching the web for Tom Williams, but I can’t find any verifiable proof that he is the owner and creator of Your Income Profits.

In my opinion, he is just a made-up character, and the real owners of this program are hiding his or her true identity.

This is a major red flag to think about before you decide to join this program.

Recommended: Click to Learn the Best Way to Make Money Online

Red flag #2 – Fake testimonials on their sales video

Another major red flag is the sketchy testimonials on their video, which is quite alarming, in my opinion.

In fact, when I did an in-depth background investigation on who the people are on their testimonials, I found out that they are freelancers from Fiverr and they are being paid by the real owners of this program to impersonate their members with the hope that you will be encouraged to join them.

Here is a proof I found from the web.

fake testimonials your income profits

They are using freelancers from Fiverr in their testimonials.

In my opinion, if they are really confident about Your Income Profits, they wouldn’t use underhanded tactics like these because it degrades their reputation as a legit company that provides great opportunities online.

Just think about it – if their program is so effective in helping you make money online, then they can easily get genuine testimonials from real customers.

This is another major red flag to consider before you join this program.

Red flag #3 – Make thousands of dollars without much effort

If you’ve visited their site, you’ll see the bold claim that you can make $1000 per day with just 15 minutes of work, which is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.

your income profits easy and simple

They want you to believe that it’s so easy to make money online.

Honestly, affiliate marketing doesn’t work that way, and there’s no magic system that you can set up in just 15 minutes that will pump $1k per day for you – it just doesn’t work that way.

As an affiliate marketer myself, I know for a fact that you’ll need to invest time, effort and patience because it will take time and you can’t be a millionaire just by working 15 minutes a day.

That’s just the reason why most people fail because they think that making money online is as easy as that.

That’s why most people still stick to their corporate jobs because there is much work to do when you’re in business for yourself.

At first, you have to be willing to work for free and even lose some money to start seeing results in weeks and months.

Somebody who tells you that there is no work involved in making money online is lying to you.

Again, this is another significant red flag to think about before you purchase this program.

Red flag #4 – They cannot guarantee your success

On their disclaimer page, they clearly state that you shouldn’t interpret their claims and testimonials as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

However, when you watch the claims on the video, it’s a direct contrast to their statement on their disclaimer page, because it seems they are giving you an idea that it’s so easy to earn $1,000 per day using their revolutionary system.

Therefore, they are literally telling you that you shouldn’t treat their claims seriously but just as examples, so we can classify their claims as hype and just a way to keep you interested in their sales video.

That is why I consider this as a big red flag because they use hype to make you feel that they can provide you the results you’re looking for.

But in reality, it will still be based on your own consistent effort and action – nothing wrong with that because that is how affiliate marketing really works.

But you need to be aware of this and not think that you will just automatically start making money by joining this program.

Final verdict – legit or scam?

I have revealed to you all the hidden details and red flags I found on Your Income Profits’ sales page. I’m sure you are now more than capable of making an informed decision about this program.

So, is Your Income Profits a scam or a great opportunity that you should take advantage of?

Honestly, your answer will all depend on your own experience and perspective, because if you think they can really provide the results you are looking for, then this program is not a scam for you.

However, you should also consider the information I have presented in this review before you make the final decision and join this program.

To help you more in your decision-making process, here are the pros and cons of this program:


  • 60-day money-back guarantee pros



  • You don’t know who the real owner of the program really is cons
  • There are fake testimonials on their sales video
  • They want you to believe that you can earn $1k per day with just 15 minutes of work
  • They cannot guarantee your success
  • Their sales page is full of hype

Honestly, I cannot recommend this program due to the red flags I have uncovered from their sales page, which makes it a risky investment to take, in my opinion.

I especially don’t like the way they are promoting it as if you easily make money online with just 15 minutes of work.

These types of claims are far from reality because, in affiliate marketing, you’ll need to invest your time, effort, and a bit of patience before you can see some good results.

There’s no revolutionary system that can pump $1k per day with just minimal work – it just doesn’t work that way.

I would, therefore, urge you to search for other legit opportunities online that can truly help you create a decent income online and where they are transparent about the requirements from the start.

How I make a living online

I have been able to create my own full-time income online, and it has given me the chance to work anywhere, and completely on my own terms.

Although it takes time, effort, and patience, it is all worth it.

If you’re interested in knowing the steps I have taken to create a sustainable income online, then I urge you to check out my FREE guide, where I have laid out all the essential steps you need to take to create a decent income online.

You can even get started with these steps if you’re a complete beginner – in fact, it is the perfect way to get started as a beginner.


If you have any questions, comments, or have any feedback with Your Income Profits, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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